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26 octobre 2018

Implementing Moodle at Bromley College

Implementing Moodle at Bromley College
Case study of the implementation of Moodle, an open source learning management system, at Bromley College. More...
26 octobre 2018

(My) Three Principles of Effective Online Pedagogy

(My) Three Principles of Effective Online Pedagogy
When the first principle is, "Let students do most of the work," you know you've hit a good guide. This is not tongue-in-cheek: the only way to manage an online course is to delegate many common tasks to students, such as leading web discussions, finding and discussing resources, answering each others' questions, grading and case study analysis. More...
26 octobre 2018

A Bit of Edu Torrents?

A Bit of Edu Torrents?
Alan Levine comments on BitTorrent, pointing to an article published in Wired last week about the high-speed downloading service. More...
26 octobre 2018

Journal of Computer Mediated Communication

Journal of Computer Mediated Communication
The JCMC has has a new look, a new editor, and has moved to a new address - More...
26 octobre 2018

Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata

Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata
This is a good article defining and describing classification systems created through a non-regulated process of keyword or metadata attribution - folksonomies. The idea, dervived in this case from Flickr, is that people write whatever they think is appropriate to describe an image, and categories emerge as natural clusters based on these descriptions. More...
26 octobre 2018

The State of Blogging

The State of Blogging
Interesting report on the rising popularity of blogs. More...
26 octobre 2018

Bringing the Press Into the Story

Bringing the Press Into the Story
Convergence. Dave Winer writes: "I can't trust you until I know where you're coming from. So a blogger always discloses his opinion on something he's reporting on, so we can triangulate, get a variety of points of view to determine what's really going on." Why is this the case? I wrote to ITForum today: "once a certain level of complexity is reach[ed], the having of a property or quality ceases to be a constituitive function and begins to be a contextual function... By 'contextual', what I mean is that the having of a property is a matter not merely of being composed a certain way, but of standing in a certain relation to a (large) number of external entities, the nature of which cannot be determined by a study of the entity in question." I think this is important, but I need to think about it more (follow the entire ITForums thread here). More...
26 octobre 2018

The Dumbing of Society and Corporate Control of Copyright - More on the Long Tail

Robert Paterson[Edit][Delete]: The Dumbing of Society and Corporate Control of Copyright - More on the Long Tail, January 2, 2006
[link: Hits] Good post with some engaging images looking at what happens to culture when it becomes a corporate commodity. More...
26 octobre 2018

I Took the Green Pill

Meg Spohn[Edit][Delete]: I Took the Green Pill, Megablog [Edit][Delete] January 2, 2006
[link: 1 Hits] Leigh Blackall writes about and links to this post by blogger Meg Spohn, who was fired from her teaching position at DeVry over content in her blog (true to form, this happened with no warning and with no indication of what it was about her blog that offended them so). More...
26 octobre 2018

Reinventing Ourselves in 2006

Will Richardson[Edit][Delete]: Reinventing Ourselves in 2006, Weblogg-Ed [Edit][Delete]Weblogg-ed [Edit][Delete] January 2, 2006
[link: Hits] Will Richardson talks about the trend toward change sweeping through the academic blogosphere. As David Wiley comments, "The notion of teacher as DJ may have been implied when people started applying the 'rip-mix-burn' metaphor to education, but lately I can't seem to get it out of my head." Yeah. Richardson adds, "But there's no doubt there is an energy around all of this right now, an urgency even. I'm feeling it in my own life, not just in the education sense but in a more global sense. What difference do I really want to make? What contribution?"

Quite so, and I find myself asking the same questions. And concluding that 2006 will be, of necessity, a year of change for me. More...
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