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8 novembre 2018

Salon de l’enseignement supérieur à Niort

Aquitaine Cap MétiersL’Etudiant organise le samedi 17 novembre 2018 à l'Acclameur à Niort, son salon de l’enseignement supérieur.
En présence des acteurs de la formation et de l’orientation de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, ce salon s’adresse aux jeunes scolaires qui souhaitent s’informer sur leur orientation dans le cadre de leur poursuite d’études. Plus...

8 novembre 2018

Des webinaires pour aider les organismes de formation à s’approprier l’outil RAFAEL

Aquitaine Cap MétiersDepuis octobre et jusqu’en décembre 2018, l'Agence régionale pour l'orientation, la formation et l'emploi propose aux prescripteurs et aux prestataires de formation une série d'ateliers à distance pour s'approprier l'outil Rafael. Plus...

8 novembre 2018

Malgré les besoins, les métiers de la fibre optique souffrent d’un manque d’attractivité en Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Aquitaine Cap MétiersEn nouvelle-Aquitaine comme au niveau national, la filière fibre s’inscrit dans une dynamique de croissance plus forte que celle de l’économie dans son ensemble. Le déploiement de la fibre optique est un enjeu important en termes de compétences et de formation. Plus...

8 novembre 2018

Ouverture des inscriptions aux « 2es Journées Vincent Merle »

Aquitaine Cap MétiersLes inscriptions aux 2es Journées Vincent Merle (JVM), qui se tiendront les 22 et 23 janvier 2019 au Centre régional Vincent Merle (Pessac), sont ouvertes.
Le programme de ces journées construit autour du thème « Se former : droits individuels, devoir collectif ? » permettra d’aborder une large série de questions liées à l’individualisation des droits en matière de formation au cours de conférences, ateliers et tables-rondes
. Plus...

8 novembre 2018

Harvard on Trial

By Alex Usher. The basics of the case were stated back here by Ron Unz about five years ago: Asian-Americans (meaning mainly Chinese and Korean) get much higher SAT scores (and academic results generally) than other ethnic groups in the United States, yet their share of enrolments at places like Harvard is nowhere near as high as the data suggest they have had.  This, say some, is reminiscent of the treatment doled out to Jews in the 1920s, when unofficial quotas were introduced across the ivy League to restrict their number. More...

8 novembre 2018


By Alex Usher. Sagas were, a form of oral history for the Nordic people.  There were King’s sagas, which told the tales of specific rulers and their exploits, Contemporary sagas, which were a way of compiling current events, and legendary sagas which told tales of the Gods and from which our own knowledge of Norse mythology largely stems. More...

8 novembre 2018


By Alex Usher. It occurs to me, after sitting in a conference talking about change in universities, that nearly everything in the public discourse about how universities need to change is nonsense.  Well, maybe not nonsense, but at least seriously beside the point. More...

8 novembre 2018

“Innovative” Funding Mechanisms

By Alex Usher. If you spend any time talking higher education policy in developing countries, the talk turns pretty quickly to the subject of “innovative methods of financing”. It’s easy to see why: money is always short, quality higher education costs a lot, and so these systems are always terribly squeezed.  Anyone holding out hope for “innovations” always gets a ready audience. More...

8 novembre 2018

More Provincial Expenditure Comparisons

By Alex Usher. I got a lot of feedback on last week’s blog about provincial PSE spending comparisons.  So much so that a few of you asked for a bunch of other comparisons.  This blog does nothing but aim to please, so let’s get to it. More...

8 novembre 2018

Canada’s Most Iconic University Building

By Alex Usher. Recently, someone asked me what I thought Canada’s most iconic university building was.  That is, which building is a) instantly recognizable and b) utterly representative of the campus on which it sits?  I put the question out on twitter and got some interesting answers from my excellent and disputatious followers. More...

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