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30 novembre 2018

The Rising Star-MOST Workshop - Maritimes Open Source Technologies

The Rising Star-MOST Workshop - Maritimes Open Source Technologies
Tomorrow I am scheduled to speak by videoconference to the Alberta Online Consortium Online Learning Symposium conference in Edmonton. And for those of us on the East Coast, I will be speaking on open source and digital rights management at the The Rising Star-MOST Workshop - Maritimes Open Source Technologies and Cybersocial along with a number of other interesting presenters. More...

30 novembre 2018


pOWL is a PHP, open source, web based semantic web editor targeting at making web based RDFS/OWL editing as easy as possible. More...

30 novembre 2018

The Millenials

The Millenials
This one came out a few days ago, but I keep forgetting to list it. No matter, it's here now, and will be of most interest to those interested in 'the new student'. More...

30 novembre 2018

An Example of Using Metaphor in E-learning Design - The Research Observatory

An Example of Using Metaphor in E-learning Design - The Research Observatory
I have written and spoken from time to time about the appropriate use of learning objects as being placed as elements in a 'learning environment' as opposed to joined together like bits of text as pages or chapters in an online course. This article and associated presentation represent large steps toward the sort of think I am talking about. More...

30 novembre 2018

Conveying Rights Expressions About Metadata in the OAI-PMH Framework

Conveying Rights Expressions About Metadata in the OAI-PMH Framework
The Open Archives Initiative has released a draft specification describing rights expressions about metadata in the OAI-PMH framework. The mechanism essentially involves pointing to a rights language schema (OAI is neutral regarding which rights language is used) and then either embedding or referring to a rights expression from within a set of rights tags in the OAI metadata. More...

30 novembre 2018

The Role of Web Services Registries in Service Oriented Architecture

The Role of Web Services Registries in Service Oriented Architecture
Good introduction to the concept. Outlines the use of different types of registries systems within a web services environment and identifies market leaders. More...

30 novembre 2018

Locking Libraries Out of the Digital Loop

Locking Libraries Out of the Digital Loop
Two items describing the content market on mobile phones (such as ring tones, songs) placed side by side cause Jenny Levine to ask, "How would a library circulate a digital music or video file in that environment?" This is the future of telephony - and, if countent producers have their say, the future of computing. More...

30 novembre 2018

What Do Application Profiles Reveal about the Learning Object Metadata Standard?

What Do Application Profiles Reveal about the Learning Object Metadata Standard?
Follow-up article from Norm Friesen's discussion of the elements of IEEE-LOM actually used in application profiles. As it turns out, the elements used are those roughly analagous to Dublin Core. More...

30 novembre 2018

Great Hackers

Great Hackers
Daniel Lemire sent me this item which expresses in a way that I can why I prefer some types of software (like Perl) and not others (like Java). Once you get past the (probably false) pseudo-economics in the first few paragraphs, it's a good read. More...

30 novembre 2018

Our Code is Falling to Pieces. Doug McGill on the Fading Mystique of an Objective Press

Our Code is Falling to Pieces. Doug McGill on the Fading Mystique of an Objective Press
This article is unpleasant reading for anyone who thinks that the system works, but now that we have blogging standing as an alternative to journalism, we are beginning to see more clearly where the system is collapsing in on itself. "It's a matter of routine that reporters feel or know they are being lied to," writes the author. More...

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