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16 décembre 2018

Nose to the Grindstone

This is part three of my dissertation writing series. In today’s installment we discuss the practicalities of putting hand to keyboard to write your dissertation, and I share tips that helped me stay focused in writing mine. Feel free to jump in here or check out the previous parts:
Part 1: Pre-gaming your dissertation
Part 2: Catastrophe-proof your dissertation.

16 décembre 2018

Labors of Love Barbara Fister. The other day I reread the amazing New York Times magazine story, “The Insect Apocalypse is Here.” I’d read it some time ago, hastily, on my phone, then more slowly and carefully in print. More...

16 décembre 2018

Not-So-Funhouse Mirrors Barbara Fister. A fraudulent university that is also a fraudulent publishing empire and a fraudulent shopping network is an unsettling example of what can happen when the reality replicator gets gummed up. More...

16 décembre 2018

Why We Can't Teach Johnny to Write Barbara Fister. When I heard John Warner had some books coming out I accosted him on a Twitter backchannel to ask for reviewer copies. (This actually works, and I have the reviews to show for it.) This week marks the release of one of these books, Why They Can’t Write: Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and Other Necessities, from Johns Hopkins University Press. More...

16 décembre 2018

NPR's Adjunct Workforce John Warner. As reported at the Washington Post, between 20 and 22 percent of the workers in the National Public Radio newsroom are classified as “temporary.” 
The “temps” are not told how long their assignments will last, do not know their salaries, who they are reporting to, or even what position they hold. Feedback from supervisors is rare and they  are “routinely overlooked in NPR’s recruiting efforts.”
These temps “do almost every important job in the newsroom.”
They pitch, assign, edit, report, produce, book guests, write the questions for the guests, essentially anything and everything a salaried staffer would do. More...
16 décembre 2018

Why I Started Blogging John Warner. From my perspective, it’s as good an example of how blogging can function as a tool for reflection and increasing one’s own knowledge and understanding as you’ll ever find. More...

16 décembre 2018

The Non-Disruptions John Warner. In 2012, Sebastain Thrun, co-founder of Udacity, declared “In 50 years, there will be only 10 institutions in the world delivering higher education.”
If this is to come true, it seems clear that Udacity isn’t going to be one of them, not just because they’re shedding employees, but because Udacity continues to “pivot” away from education and towards corporate training, helping companies “upscale their talent” in Thrun’s parlance. More...

16 décembre 2018

How Was Your Semester? John Warner. Mark Bresnan of Colorado St. University asks a common question with a complicated answer. More...

16 décembre 2018

Abandoned Campuses and Online Learning

By Joshua Kim. Search YouTube for “abandoned college campus,” and you find a depressingly long list of videos. Prominently featured in this YouTube list is Knoxville College. More...

16 décembre 2018

What Will Happen When There Is 'No One at the Wheel’?

By Joshua Kim. An argument for a holistic approach to transportation as we prepare for a future of driverless cars. More...

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