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21 septembre 2018

Knowledge and Tragedy: Or Why We Shouldn't Share Knowledge

Knowledge and Tragedy: Or Why We Shouldn't Share Knowledge
I wouldn't be citing this paper at all under ordinary circumstances, but it is just so wrong-headed it merits a mention, if only as a representative of a line of thinking that runs deeply against my core beliefs. In a competitive world, argues the author, asymmetries of knowledge are important, for such asymmetries are what allow one side to triumph over the other. More...

21 septembre 2018

Learning Webs: Learning in Weblog Networks

Learning Webs: Learning in Weblog Networks
This short paper provides an overview of the technical environment before getting into the interesting bit, a discussion of the social ecosystems that emerge through current Weblog authoring practices. More...

21 septembre 2018

Why you Shouldn’t use Learning Objects, and Why You Should

Why you Shouldn’t use Learning Objects, and Why You Should
Good bit about some of the issues that may face instructors thinking of using learning objects. The paper identifies three major hurdles: where is the learning in learning objects, copyright issues, and the workload involved. More...

21 septembre 2018

Sustainable Provision of Online Curriculum Beyond 2005: An Issues Paper

Sustainable Provision of Online Curriculum Beyond 2005: An Issues Paper
The Learning Federation, a collaboration of ten governments in Australia and New Zealand, explores options for collaboration beyond 2005 and adduces four major criteria:

  • continuing online curriculum content procurement and distribution
  • embedding online content in the practices of schools
  • a national vision about schooling for the future and
  • commitment to a range of policies and programs to support the vision.

That said, the paper reflects issues in how this development should proceed. More...

21 septembre 2018

KM Europe

KM Europe
Outstanding coverage is available online of Knowledge Management Europe. This link points to Mathemagenic's November 15 coverage, which provides numerous links, outlines, and commentary. Readers will also want to scan Headshift's summary with commentary and even more links. More...

21 septembre 2018

Culture on the Market

Culture on the Market
Innovation, writes the author, is founded on tradition - even if only the shallow Machiavellian pretense of appearing to preserve traditional values. A tradition, in turn, is founded on a canon of work: a library of classics, a body of musical works, a museum of art. But in today's commercial market, publishers require a proit on a work within six months or so, making it difficult to keep important works in print, and even more so to allow for the discovery of new classics. More...

21 septembre 2018

A Case of Piracy Overkill?

A Case of Piracy Overkill?
Discussion of the proposed 'broadcast flag' legislation in the U.S., which would require that all new media receivers detect content intended for broadcast and thereby refuse to allow the purchaser to make a copy. More...

21 septembre 2018

Why Tables for Layout is Stupid

Why Tables for Layout is Stupid
OK, I'll admit it. I use tables for the design of my website and just about everything else. I plead innocence: the ugly standards war between Netscape, Microsoft, and the standards bodies left me unable to code in any other way. Until now, maybe. More...

21 septembre 2018

Bloglines Most Popular Blogs

Bloglines Most Popular Blogs
I'm currently sitting at the bottom spot on the Bloglines 'most popular blogs' list (which would be, I guess, 100th place), a position that has ironically generated a bit more traffic in the last few days. I was at a much higher position, as Bloglines was visited by the early adopters. But as the site attracted a more general audience, my site has begun to slip. More...

21 septembre 2018

PrepCom3 Activity Report

PrepCom3 Activity Report
Interesting account of how open access is being removed, bit by bit, from documents prepared for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). More...

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