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16 décembre 2017

As online learning tools for preschoolers prove popular with parents, experts warn against excess screen time Blog. Advocates argue online tools help prepare young children for kindergarten, but early education experts urge caution when it comes to putting children in front of screens for long periods of time. More...

16 décembre 2017

The Case for Synchronous Online Courses Blog. For many learners, online degrees are ideal because they are non-synchronous. They allow people to complete their studies and further their career on their own time, outside of a semester schedule. They can keep their jobs, maintain their roles in their family, and remain with their community while learning.  This benefit also has its downsides. More...

16 décembre 2017

Why Educators made some of the best EdTech entrepreneurs Blog. It’s no secret that many teachers leave their jobs to pursue more lucrative careers. About one-third of teachers quit within the first five years of joining the profession. Where do they go? Some choose to stay in the field of education in a different way—by becoming EdTech entrepreneurs. More...

16 décembre 2017

Research proves learning is a lifelong process Blog. Aging brings a slight deterioration in functions like short-term memory. But it has the advantage of accumulated experience. This means you know what you want to learn and how you want to apply it, and can link it to experience and concepts you’ve already acquired. More...

16 décembre 2017

What to Know About Earning an Online Degree in a Cohort Blog. Despite what some prospective students may believe, many online degree programs still allow for plenty of student interaction. When looking into different online undergraduate or graduate programs, prospective students should understand whether they will be part of a cohort, although this type of program’s exact structure may vary among schools. More...

16 décembre 2017

Girl Scouts Launches Initiative to Put 2.5 Million girls through STEM Programs by 2025 Blog. The Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) has launched a national initiative designed to help close the gender gap in STEM education and employment over the next eight years. The organization aims to raise $70 million put 2.5 million girls through their STEM programs by 2025. More...

16 décembre 2017

Online and Adult Learners More Satisfied with College Experience than Traditional Students Blog. According to a new national survey, online and adult students are generally more satisfied with their overall college experience than traditional on-campus students. More...

16 décembre 2017

Study Uncovers How Ed Tech Decision-Making Works Blog. Higher education people most often turn to each other when they’re trying to make decisions about education technology. More...

16 décembre 2017

MIT Researchers Speed Up 3D Printing 10 Times Blog. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a desktop 3D printer that they say is up to 10 times faster than those currently commercially available. More...

16 décembre 2017

The top 5 cybersecurity threats for schools Blog. If your school hasn’t thought about cybersecurity as a growing concern, it’s time to learn what the threats are and what you should be doing to keep your school, and its data, protected. You’d be hard-pressed today to find a school that doesn’t consider safety a high priority. More...

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