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23 novembre 2017

A university president discusses her new book on how colleges can prepare students for success

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Colleges face scrutiny -- from would-be students, their parents and politicians -- over whether they are preparing students for careers. Gloria Cordes Larson has focused on these issues at Bentley University, a business-oriented institution that also takes pride in the general education students receive. Her new book, PreparedU: How Innovative Colleges Drive Student Success (Jossey-Bass), is something of a guide for colleges -- including those institutions far less focused on business than is Bentley -- to how to respond to the demands in this area. More...

23 novembre 2017

New doubts are being raised about using 'grit' to identify student talent

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Many admissions officers report frustration with the traditional measures -- primarily grades and standardized test scores -- colleges use to evaluate applicants. What about students who attended poorly resourced high schools, or who grew up in poverty and yet somehow managed to do well? Do test scores and grades really offer much there. More...

23 novembre 2017

Author discusses new book with critique of standardized testing

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Author discusses new book in which he takes a long-term and philosophical look at what he sees as the flaws in the way society evaluates talent. More...

23 novembre 2017

3 Share Nobel Prize in Medicine

HomeBy Scott JaschikThree American academics were this morning named joint winners of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine. They were honored "for their discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm." Details on their research may be found here. More...

23 novembre 2017

Compétences des conseillers principaux d'éducation dans l'enseignement agricole

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Les conseillers principaux d'éducation qui exercent leurs fonctions dans les établissements publics d'enseignement agricole participent à l'organisation et à l'animation de la vie scolaire, organisent le service et contrôlent les activités des personnels chargés des tâches de surveillance.
Un arrêté redéfinit le référentiel de compétences de ces conseillers principaux d'éducation.
Arrêté du 10 novembre 2017. Plus...
23 novembre 2017

Inventaire : 54 nouvelles certifications inscrites

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)La Commission nationale de la certification professionnelle a décidé le 17 novembre 2017, d'enregistrer 54 nouvelles certifications à l'inventaire des certifications et des habilitations de la CNCP.
S'ils le souhaitent, les partenaires sociaux peuvent désormais inscrire ces certifications sur leurs listes de certifications éligibles au CPF. Elles sont aussi éligibles à la période de professionnalisation.
Consulter la liste des nouvelles certifications enregistrées. Plus...
23 novembre 2017

Leadership Matters for Transfer Success

HomeWhen students can transfer smoothly from community colleges to four-year institutions, students, families and taxpayers realize the benefits of incredible cost savings as well as the economic and social returns that come from earning a bachelor’s degree. More...

23 novembre 2017

Reliable Discourse

HomeThe reliable moment we experience on a campus may not be positive or even comforting, observes Jeff Rice, but rather a confirmation of frustration. More...

23 novembre 2017

Making Research Matter: A Public Challenge to Scholars

HomeAcademics need to reach across political and ideological divides to bring their research expertise to bear on the policy issues of the day, writes Linda Stamato. More...

23 novembre 2017

‘The Recovery Revolution’

HomeClaire D. Clark’s The Recovery Revolution traces the history of therapies that help drug users recover from addiction, sometimes with contradictory and controversial practices, Scott McLemee writes. More...

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