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31 janvier 2017

How can universities develop leaders for social change?

As part of its Transformative Leadership series published in partnership with The MasterCard Foundation, University World News is joining DrEducation to host a free international webinar on 8 February 2017 at 9am New York time, 2pm London time and 4pm Johannesburg time.
The debate topic is "Are universities crucibles of transformative leadership?" More...

31 janvier 2017

A model of how to lure high-quality foreign students

By Suvendrini Kakuchi. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, or APU, located in Beppu, a quiet hot spring resort town in southern Kyushu, took the plunge to establish a global campus in 2000 as an initiative by Ritsumeikan University, a leading private university in Kyoto. More...

31 janvier 2017

Why are universities stuck in the 20th century?

By Marcelo Knobel and Andrés Bernasconi. In 2018, Latin American universities will commemorate the centennial of the Córdoba University Reform. This movement, and its aftermath, changed the idea of the university in Latin America, and ushered in an era of optimism about the social relevance of universities at the beginning of the 20th century. More...

31 janvier 2017

New York is taking a lead in tackling university fraud

By Ararat Osipian. On 21 December 2016 the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Preet Bharara, announced charges against Umair Hamid, one of the alleged co-conspirators and masterminds behind a worldwide web of many dozens or even hundreds of online diploma mills linked to Axact, a Pakistani IT company. More...

31 janvier 2017

The imperative of increasing access to university

By Graeme Atherton. The importance of the nation state in shaping the politics of the late 2010s is clear, with populist forces changing the political landscape across the world. More...

31 janvier 2017

Syrian voices students’ fears over Trump crackdown

By Karin Fischer, The Chronicle of Higher Education. President Donald Trump, who proposed banning Muslim visitors to the United States during his campaign, is expected to indefinitely halt resettlement of Syrian refugees in the country and to temporarily suspend all travel from a half dozen countries with Muslim majorities. More...

31 janvier 2017

Introducing fees for non-EU students is a game-changer

By Jan Petter Myklebust. The introduction of tuition fees for foreign students had only a marginal effect upon the more than SEK23 billion (US$2.6 billion) higher education budget in 2015. But it has been a game-changer at the vast majority of Swedish higher education institutions, which now take internationalisation work more seriously. More...

31 janvier 2017

Graduate unemployment ‘is stoking religious extremism’

By Mushfique Wadud. Amid recent incidents of university graduates being engaged in terrorist attacks, researchers have warned that a growing number of economically inactive graduates in Bangladesh could be turning to extremism. More...

31 janvier 2017

Rise of autocratic leaders poses threat to academia

By Michael Gardner. Concern over the widening persecution of researchers and journalists under autocratic governments was raised by a panel of higher education and NGO – non-governmental organisation – representatives at a meeting in Bonn, Germany on 25 January, who called on Germany to apply more leverage to promote academic freedom abroad. More...

31 janvier 2017

University leaders demand action on fake universities

By Ameen Amjad Khan. Pakistan’s Higher Education Commission this month issued a public notice listing 153 illegal universities and degree-awarding institutions, but academics say the rising trend of fake universities cannot be discouraged without punitive action against management of the bogus institutions. More...

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