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31 janvier 2017

Bureaucrats disciplined over university jobs scandal

The education ministry took disciplinary action against seven senior bureaucrats over their involvement in illegally negotiating to secure their colleague a post-retirement university job, writes Mizuho Aoki for The Japan Times. More...

31 janvier 2017

University heads resist ‘political expression’ plan

The Committee of University Heads called last Tuesday on Education Minister Naftali Bennett, who also chairs the Council for Higher Education, to drop his plan to draw up a code of ethics for political expression by academics, writes Yarden Skop for Haaretz. More...

31 janvier 2017

Students push for easier refugee access to universities

The Swiss students’ union VSS is calling on the federal and cantonal authorities to change the rules to make it easier for refugees to access the Swiss university system, reports The Local. More...

31 janvier 2017

Sirte University prepares to reopen

While high prices and shortages of building materials are challenging townspeople returning to Sirte, plans are under way to restart higher education, reports the Libya Herald. More...

31 janvier 2017

Universities focus on teaching English

Iraqi employers say English language ability is the top skill they want from graduates as potential employees, writes Michelle Grajek for Al-Fanar Media. More...

31 janvier 2017

No increase in university tuition fees – Minister

There will be no increase in tuition fees for both public and private Egyptian universities, Higher Education Minister Ashraf El-Sheehy said last weekend, reports Ahram Online. More...

31 janvier 2017

Universities focus on easy-to-teach majors

Universities are focusing on enrolling students in majors which are easy to teach and learn and do not require high investments in facilities and laboratories, despite warnings issued by government about the excessive supply of graduates in finance, and business administration, reports VietNamNet Bridge. More...

31 janvier 2017

Universities body warns against radical reform

The peak body representing Australian universities has urged the Turnbull government not to pursue a "dramatic overhaul" of the nation's higher education system as it prepares to legislate a new round of university reforms, writes Matthew Knott for The Sydney Morning Herald. More...

31 janvier 2017

Students shut down 15 colleges over unresolved issues

Protesting students shut down about 15 of the 50 public technical and vocational education and training colleges earlier this month as a result of a host of unresolved issues with the department of higher education and training, writes Prega Govender for the Mail & Guardian. More...

31 janvier 2017

‘Not clear’ if US student surge is Trump-related

University admission experts say this year’s surge in the number of Americans applying to Canadian universities is not a clear sign that today’s students are dodging Donald Trump the way their grandparents dodged Vietnam, writes Simona Chiose for The Globe and Mail. More...

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