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15 avril 2017

Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures - 01 education expenditure on tertiary education

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes..

01 education expenditure on tertiary education
The nation spent €29.2 billion (€bn) on tertiary education in 2014. This is 2.6 times more than in 1980 (in constant euros). The contribution by central government represented 69% of that amount. In 2014, average expenditure per student stood at €11,560, or 40% more than in 1980 (in constant euros)
In 2014, the nation (central government, local authorities, other public administrative bodies, households and companies) dedicated €29.2 billion to tertiary education, a fall of 0.3% over 2013 (at constant prices). Since 1980, expenditure on tertiary education has seen strong growth of 2.8% per year on average. Its share of domestic education expenditure (DEE) increased from 15.1% in 1980 to 20.0% in 2014 (table 01.01).
Over the whole period, DEE on tertiary education was multiplied by 2.6 in constant euros (chart 01.02). Despite this significant increase, average expenditure per student rose by only 39.7% due to a doubling of student numbers. Over the same period, average expenditure per secondary school pupil increased by 65.9%. Over the period 2006-2009, when there was both a rapid increase in DEE and a slowdown in student enrolment, expenditure per student increased by 3.5% on average per year. Since 2009, however, the slowdown in DEE combined with a new rise in the student numbers has resulted in a drop in spending per student of 0.7% annualy 1.
Average expenditure per student stood at €11,560 in 2014 (chart 01.03). Although it may be difficult to compare the cost of different curricula directly, especially since research expenditure is included in the university totals, there are considerable differences from one branch of study to another. The cost varies from €10,800 euros per year for a university student to €14,980 for a pupil in a class preparing for admission to Grandes Ecoles (CPGE). However, in recent years, the gap between these average expenditure figures has tended to narrow (chart 01.03).
More than seventy per cent of total expenditure goes on staff, especially teachers' wages (41%) (chart 01.04).
With no repeat years, leading to a Bachelor's degree (via a general or technology second cycle) was estimated in 2014 to be €148,590, while a 17-year education leading to an Advanced technician diploma (BTS) (via a vocational upper secondary cycle) would cost the nation €146,620.
In terms of initial funding (see definitions opposite), central government contributes the major share of DEE for tertiary education (69.0%) while local authorities contribute 10.9% and households 8.6% (table 01.01). In terms of final funding, i.e. after including grants in the household budget, the household share practically doubles (16.8%). Some direct or indirect support, funded by the central government and which benefit students or their families, do not appear in the DEE for tertiary education: these are related to taxation (increase in family quotient) or are not directly linked to student status (social housing benefit). If they were included (excluding social welfare payments), expenditure per student in 2014 would then increase €11,560 to €12,780. More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

A7 how changes to GDP measurement methodology automatically led to a drop in the R&D effort

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheThe data on the R&D effort in OECD countries used here (chapter 27) are taken from the OECD's MSTI database, which was updated in June 2014. For the purposes of this database, the R&D effort was calculated using the unrevised GDP data to ensure that it remains comparable, as not all European countries implemented this change at the same time. However, in the rest of the document, the GDP used has 2010 as the base year (as revised in May 2014). More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures - A8 levels of educational attainment

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes.

A8 levels of educational attainment
French classification of levels of educational attainment defined by the French statistical commission on vocational training and social advancement

Level VI: those who left education in the first three years of secondary education (1st, 2nd and 3rd years) or prevocational training courses (primary education certificate (certificat d'études primaires -CEP), prevocational classes (classes pré-professionnelles de niveau - CPPN) and preparatory apprenticeship classes (classes préparatoires à l’apprentissage - CPA)) in one year.
Level Vb: those who left education in the 4th year of general secondary education, the 3rd or 4th year of a technical secondary course or shorter secondary education courses before the final year.
Level V: those who left education having completed the final year of a short vocational course or dropped out of schooling during general secondary education before the final year.
Level IV: those who left education having reached the final year of general secondary education or who dropped out of education after the baccalauréat without reaching Level III.
Level III: those who left education having obtained a 'Bac + 2' qualification marking the successful conclusion of two years of higher education following the baccalauréat (technological university diploma (Diplôme universitaire de technologie - DUT), higher technical certificate (Brevet de technicien supérieur - BTS), diploma of general university studies (Diplôme d’études universitaires générales - DEUG), nursing and social training courses, etc.).
Levels II and I: those who left education having obtained a Bachelor's degree-level or postgraduate qualification or a diploma awarded by a Grande École.
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)
ISCED level 1: primary education
ISCED level 2: lower secondary education
ISCED level 3: upper secondary education
ISCED level 4: post-secondary non-tertiary education (uncommon in France: basic legal qualification (capacité en Droit), diploma giving access to university studies (Diplôme d’accès aux études universitaires - DAEU)
ISCED level 5: short-cycle tertiary education
ISCED 5A, tertiary-type A programmes: preparation for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes (general subjects at universities and qualifications awarded by engineering or business schools, etc.)
ISCED 5B: tertiary-type B programmes (DUT, BTS, paramedical and social care qualifications, etc.)
ISCED level 6: doctoral or equivalent level

The purpose of this classification is to produce statistics on education and training that are comparable between different countries. It is an international agreement organised by UNESCO. It makes it possible to break down the numbers of students, changes in graduate numbers and finances in terms of cycles of education. It is also used to break down the population in terms of levels of educational attainment. Only successful studies for which students obtain a qualification are taken into account. More...

Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

15 avril 2017

Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures - Summary

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RechercheLike the previous editions, the 9th edition of Higher Education and Research in France, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes. Wherever the data permit, an international comparison is provided. A double page is devoted to each theme (50 in total), including a summary of the main data available and several graphs and tables as illustrations. This publication relies on key national and international statistical sources providing data on higher education and research in France.

2014, stabilisation of expenditure on higher education after a long period of high growth

In 2014, the French nation spent €29.2 billion on higher education, an increase of 0.3% in comparison with 2013 (at constant prices, i.e. adjusted for inflation). Expenditure on higher education has more than doubled since 1980 (by a factor of 2.6, at constant prices), increasing by an average of 2.8% a year. In 2014, average expenditure per student in higher education totalled €11,560, 40% more than in 1980. More...

15 avril 2017

Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures - Preface

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la RecherchePromoting the development and transfer of knowledge, know-how and technology is a fundamental challenge in our society. Raising the level of general education, providing a range of courses consistent with young people's aspirations and the needs of our economy, focusing research on the major challenges facing us and putting in place suitable structured, incentive-based systems are at the heart of the government's action in the field of higher education and research. More...

15 avril 2017

L'état de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche en France (n°10 - Avril 2017)

La 10e édition de L'état de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (E.E.S.R) présente un état des lieux annuel et chiffré du système français d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche. L'E.E.S.R. propose, dans sa version numérique, de nouvelles fonctionnalités aux utilisateurs, comme par exemple la description détaillée des principales sources mobilisées et de leur mode d’élaboration.

L'état de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche par thématique
49 thèmes sont abordés dans cette 10e édition. Chaque fiche est présentée au moyen de graphiques, de tableaux et de commentaires, et présente les dernières données de synthèse disponibles sur chaque sujet. Ces données sont issues des services statistiques du M.E.N.E.S.R. mais également d'autres organismes tels que l'INSEE, le Céreq, l'O.V.E. ou l'O.S.T. du HCERES.

Enseignement supérieur



L'édition 2017 de l'E.E.S.R. : une version numérique enrichie
Depuis 2014, l'état de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche est disponible en version entièrement numérique afin d'améliorer le service rendu aux utilisateurs.  Disponible sur les 3 dernières éditions, celle-ci est conçue pour être consultable quel que soit le support utilisé : mobile, tablette, ordinateur portable ou de bureau. Elle offre des fonctionnalités avancées de recherche, lexique, suggestion de contenus associés. Les données à l’appui des tableaux, graphiques et illustrations sont accessibles dans un format ouvert et sous Licence ouverte et des liens vers les jeux de données ouverts associés sont proposés.
Pour cette 10e édition, des chiffres-clés sont associés à chaque fiche. Ils sont également regroupés au sein d'une rubrique dédiée qui propose aux lecteurs une exploration par thématique. Le site s'est enrichi de fonctionnalités facilitant la reprise des informations dans des sites tiers (sous forme de liens intégrables) ou dans les principaux réseaux sociaux. Voir l'article...

Etat de l'enseigenement supérieur et de la recherche en France (n°10 - avril 2017)

Visuels numériques EESR 8

15 avril 2017

Les dépenses de R&D des entreprises en 2015 (données provisoires) - Note Flash n°3 - avril 2017

En 2015, selon les données provisoires, les dépenses intérieures de recherche et développement des entreprises implantées en France (DIRDE) s’établissent à 31,8 milliards d’euros (Md€). Corrigée de l’évolution des prix, la DIRDE poursuit sa tendance à la hausse (+1,5 % en 2015) sur un rythme proche des deux années précédentes (+1,2 % en 2014, +1,0 % en 2013 et +2,9 % en 2012). Voir l'article...
15 avril 2017

Labellisation des structures de diffusion de technologies

Une Commission nationale de labellisation des structures de transfert et de diffusion de technologies, rattachée au ministre chargé de la Recherche,  a été mise en place en 2007. La labellisation conditionne les possibilités de financement par les délégués régionaux à la recherche et à la technologie.
La procédure de labellisationQu'est-ce qu'une structure de diffusion technologique. Voir l'article...
14 avril 2017

Apprendre à l’ère du numérique : penser et faire à nouveau réunis

The ConversationComment peut-on reconstruire le lien entre « faire » et « penser » au cœur du monde qui vient ? Pour un enseignant, qui se réjouit d’être aussi, et de plus en plus, un mentor, c’est à dire celui qui accompagne et guide, bienveillant, par son expérience, c’est un programme exaltant. More...
14 avril 2017

Les cordées de la réussite : une ouverture du secondaire sur le supérieur… et réciproquement

The ConversationAu lendemain de la publication des résultats de l’enquête nationale menée par Synoptic et le CGET sur les « cordées de la réussite », et après cinq ans d’existence, il paraît important de faire le point sur les résultats de la cordée « Banlieue-Est, cap vers les sciences ». More...
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