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14 avril 2017

Innover pour une école à la fois plus juste et plus efficace

The ConversationL’innovation semble donc être devenue un thème majeur. Mais c’est aussi un mot piégé et même un repoussoir lorsqu’elle est vécue comme une injonction un peu vaine. L’enjeu est de sortir des pièges communicationnels et de construire une démarche d’innovation et d’expérimentation qui rassemble les enseignants et qui soit au service d’une ambition. More...
14 avril 2017

Les stratégies de formation des apprentis footballeurs professionnels

The ConversationNés de la volonté de certains clubs de maintenir leur compétitivité à moindres frais, les centres de formation aux métiers du football apparaissent aujourd’hui comme des acteurs incontournables du renouvellement de l’élite française et, pour les jeunes amateurs, le passage quasi obligé pour évoluer au plus haut niveau. More...
14 avril 2017

Wikipédia par l’anecdote : le selfie du macaque

The ConversationEn 2016, l’affaire rebondit : l’organisation de défense des animaux PETA a attaqué en justice afin de revendiquer les droits des photos prises par le singe, en invoquant que l’association représente ses intérêts. Le tribunal de San Francisco l’a déboûtée, mais les procès concernant le « selfie du macaque » ne sont sûrement pas terminés. More...
14 avril 2017

Yes, academics tend to be left wing – but let’s not exaggerate it

The ConversationThe accusation that that academia is disproportionately left-wing and liberal is not a new one. Nor is the main thrust of the claim, in a report by the Adam Smith Institute, contentious. Many accept that academics tend towards the left, even if we cannot be sure of precise levels of inclination or whether the tendency is on the rise. More...
14 avril 2017

Prepare British children for life after Brexit – teach them another language

The ConversationWhen the UK leaves the EU there will be no member state remaining where English is the lead official language. “Ah”, you say, “what about Ireland, they speak English there”. Yes they do, but in Ireland, Irish Gaelic is considered the first official language. More...
14 avril 2017

Students enjoy science at school, but most still don’t see it as a career option

The ConversationSTEM skills are said to be important across different career paths. And skilled STEM graduates are said to contribute to the competitiveness and productivity of the economy – with these skills considered to be crucial in many sectors. More...
14 avril 2017

Hungary’s assault on academic freedom is a threat to European principles

The ConversationAs a university, CEU has a dual identity, and offers degrees accredited in both the US and Hungary. But the latest amendments make the university’s continued operation in Hungary virtually impossible. This is because the bill would require CEU to operate under a binding international agreement and to provide higher education programmes in its country of origin – the US – all within a very short time-frame. More...
14 avril 2017

What the attack on CEU says about the rise of ‘illiberalism’ in Europe

The ConversationIn recent weeks, tensions over European immigration and liberal values have culminated in a direct attack on the Central European University in Budapest. More...
14 avril 2017

Six things you need to know about the Higher Education Bill

The ConversationThe Higher Education and Research Bill is due to be read for the third time in the House of Lords, where peers will vote on their amended version. More...
14 avril 2017

Grammar schools debate: four key questions answered

The ConversationFew subjects generate as much controversy in England as grammar schools do. Advocates uphold them as “a driver of social mobility” with the belief they can provide a ladder of opportunity for poor but able children. More...
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