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14 avril 2017

Les TICE, une panacée ?

Je voudrais que les gens commencent par réaliser qu’ils veulent, avant tout, faire des choses favorisant les apprentissages de leurs étudiants, ou s’engager dans des démarches pédagogiques, avant de vouloir utiliser telle ou telle technologie.

La pédagogie avant tout

Quand on dit à un enseignant : “Bon, alors, nous sommes équipés de Moodle et voici ce que vous pouvez faire avec. Vous voulez monter un forum dans une de vos classes ? Moodle va vous permettre de le faire et nous allons vous aider à le paramétrer” , on ne favorise pas l’intégration du numérique dans sa pédagogie, on fait exactement l’inverse. Voir l'article...

14 avril 2017

Gender imbalances in the teaching profession

OECD iLibraryHistorically across the OECD, the teaching profession has been largely dominated by women. The share of female teachers has been increasing over the past decade – reaching 68% in 2014 for all levels of education combined. The gender disparity decreases gradually with the level of education, from 97% of women in pre-primary education to 43% in tertiary education. Between 2005 and 2014, the gender gap increased at the primary and secondary levels, but decreased at the tertiary level. More...

14 avril 2017


HomeMaking doctoral education accessible and successful for students from low income, first generation families as well as members of immigrant or specific ethnic groups is a world- wide problem. In the US the traditional explanation for the low numbers of Ph.D. recipients from these groups are lack of preparation, lack of interest and a “leaky pipeline.” These alone are not enough to explain disparities. This article argues that the most powerful vehicles of exclusion are tacit knowledge and the implicit bias of faculty and is related to doctoral/faculty socialization. Faculty share the values and prejudices of the broader society and those of their own group—one which in the US is predominately white, male and from well-educated middle class families. More...

14 avril 2017

Análisis de la producción científica de la colaboración entre España y Francia

Since late 2015, the South African government has been under pressure to respond to an unprecedented post-1994 student movement demanding free university education. The initial concession of no fee increases placated university students for a while but during 2016 university fees, dissatisfaction with the government and the fragmentation of the government itself coalesced into a serious threat to Africa’s ‘’best’’ university system.
El primer apartado del estudio permite situar las producciones científicas de los dos países entre los principales productores del mundo. Francia ocupa el séptimo lugar a nivel mundial y España, el décimo. Los indicadores son relativamente similares para ambos países, incluso si se incluyen detalles más precisos como el autor responsable de las publicaciones o incluso la tasa de artículos altamente citados (o tasa de excelencia). More...

14 avril 2017

The Free Higher Education Social Struggle in South Africa: Is the Nordic Model a Panacea for Developing Countries?

HomeSince late 2015, the South African government has been under pressure to respond to an unprecedented post-1994 student movement demanding free university education. The initial concession of no fee increases placated university students for a while but during 2016 university fees, dissatisfaction with the government and the fragmentation of the government itself coalesced into a serious threat to Africa’s ‘’best’’ university system. More...

14 avril 2017

The Future of Europe: The Guild’s vision for the ninth Framework Programme

Research and Education are a foundation of European public life. They are predicated on values, trust, and the pursuit of truth, without which our institutions and our interactions cannot function. The next framework programme must strengthen frontier-led science. It must find new ways to connect research and education. Universities, and their entrepreneurial students, are also key to the innovation eco-systems. More...

14 avril 2017

The Erosion of Truth - Remarks from Politics Aside 2016

RAND CorporationThis report is part of the RAND Corporation corporate publication series. Corporate publications are program or department brochures, newsletters, pamphlets, and miscellaneous information about the RAND Corporation or RAND's business units. Some corporate publications are published in the AR series as Annual Reports or as Administrative Reports. Administrative Reports are often required by the client or sponsor and provide a status report on work resulting from a contract. More...

14 avril 2017

Digital Democracy: The Tools Transforming Political Engagement

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"This paper seeks to demonstrate that China’s massive investment in capacity to produce metals is not just the result of state support, but because the country is home to the world’s largest and technically advanced metallurgical plants, its companies are able to produce metals at lower cost than most of their foreign competitors. More...

14 avril 2017

Make the Foreign Serve China: How Foreign Science and Technology Helped China Dominate Global Metallurgical Industries

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""This paper seeks to demonstrate that China’s massive investment in capacity to produce metals is not just the result of state support, but because the country is home to the world’s largest and technically advanced metallurgical plants, its companies are able to produce metals at lower cost than most of their foreign competitors. More...

14 avril 2017

Tackling ethics and risks of innovative research

AHRCThe launch of the Government's Industrial Strategy signals increased policy emphasis on developing the UK industrial base, key technologies and innovative science. Cutting-edge research presents new opportunities and challenges – in areas including synthetic biology, artificial intelligence and geoengineering, with an inherent potential for risk. 
At the same time established processes of regulation are becoming increasingly outdated, and the constraints on ethical and legal governance are being loosened by the 'outsourcing' of research and development – due to globalisation, privatisation and 'citizen science' outside of traditional research institutions. More...

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