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27 juillet 2017

How to challenge racism in British schools

The ConversationSince the announcement of Brexit, there has been a considerable increase in reports of racism, hate crime and racist incidents across the UK. These types of incidents have largely been random and directed at anyone perceived to be “not British”. More...
27 juillet 2017

Islamophobia and causes of terrorism must be part of awkward conversations after London Bridge attack

The ConversationFollowing the London Bridge and Manchester attacks, politicians and commentators have insisted that Britain should “keep calm and carry on”. This has lead some to declare that public mourning and statements of condolence are platitudes and inadequate. More...
27 juillet 2017

Australian authorities are doing all they can to combat terrorism

The ConversationThe recent terror attacks in London and Manchester have raised concerns about whether authorities here in Australia are doing enough to combat terrorism. More...
27 juillet 2017

he UK’s plan to deny terrorists ‘safe spaces’ online would make us all less safe in the long run

The ConversationIn the wake of the recent attacks in Manchester and London, British Prime Minister Theresa May has called on social media companies to eliminate “safe spaces” online for extremist ideology. Despite losing the majority in the recent election, she is moving forward with plans to regulate online communications, including in cooperation with newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron. More...
27 juillet 2017

How to deradicalise someone

The ConversationIt’s hard to talk about deradicalisation in the face of appalling attacks, such as those in London and Manchester: calls for retribution are often louder than those raising the possibility of redemption. But supporting disengagement from extremism is an important part of a long-term response to terrorism. More...
27 juillet 2017

The violent birth of ‘martyrdom’ – how the ancient concept informs modern religious violence

The ConversationThe word “martyr” has evolved into one of the most emotive terms in the English language. The faithful venerate their memories, celebrate their feast days, name places of worship, schools and hospitals after them. And yet, those who would claim the title blow themselves up in explosive-laden cars in crowded market-places, eviscerate their own bodies and those around them with bombs in concert halls, turn vehicles into instruments of mass murder and kill and maim with knives and machine guns on city streets. More...
26 juillet 2017

How to succeed in college with a disability

The ConversationIf you’re entering college as a student with a disability, the first thing you should know is that you’re not alone. In a study of approximately 11,000 young adults with disabilities, nearly 20 percent were found to have attended a four-year college or university at some point after high school. More...
26 juillet 2017

Put Muslim characters who don’t need to be ‘saved’ on school reading lists

The ConversationAs the film industry begins to heed criticisms from places like the “Oscars So White” movement, the advocacy of groups like We Need Diverse Books, with its mission to offer children more books that reflect them and their lives, is making waves in publishing too. More...
26 juillet 2017

The risky lure of Caribbean offshore medical schools

The ConversationMany Canadians dream of becoming a doctor. The reality is that only a fraction of students who apply to Canadian medical schools are admitted. This reality is driving an increasing number of Canadian undergraduates to offshore medical schools in Dominica, Jamaica, Guyana, Aruba and other Caribbean countries. More...
26 juillet 2017

Refugees are helping others in their situation as social entrepreneurs

The ConversationWhile on the run from war, persecution and natural disasters, refugees are actually helping others in their situation. They are creating organisations and enterprises that train and offer jobs to fellow refugees, giving them a fresh start. More...
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