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27 juillet 2017

We can all be a little radicalised: recognising this will help tackle extremism

The ConversationThe conviction of radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary for swearing allegiance to Islamic State shows that those breaking the law by inviting support for a terrorist organisation can and will be prosecuted. But it comes at a time when the British government is still struggling with definitions of extremism and radicalisation, and how to respond to those who don’t break the law. More...
27 juillet 2017

The life experiences that can prevent sympathies for terrorism from developing

The ConversationTerrorism is frightening. It is in the news on a daily basis, creating fear and concern for everyone. Governments around the world need to develop and share intelligence about people connected to terror networks. Everybody is trying to understand how to respond. Attention is shifting to preventive strategies. More...
27 juillet 2017

Lessons from Northern Ireland: don’t put Islamist extremists in special prison units

The ConversationIn a plan to help prevent convicted Islamist extremists from radicalising other prisoners, the UK government is proposing to place them in “specialised prison units”. Northern Ireland has been required to imprison Irish Republican and Loyalist prisoners in separate specialised units for many decades, but the lessons from this experience challenge the wisdom of such an approach for Islamist extremists. More...
27 juillet 2017

London attack: Terrorism expert explains three threats of jihadism in the West

The ConversationDetails about the man who attacked the British Parliament on March 22, identified by London police as British national Khalid Masood, are still emerging. With four victims confirmed dead, the attack is the worst in London since the July 7, 2005 bombings on the London transport system. More...
27 juillet 2017

Are converts to Islam more likely to become extremists?

The ConversationThe process of conversion to any religion is best thought of as a journey, and this is how it is often described to others by those who undergo it. While conversion happens in many faiths, conversion to Islam has been suggested as a significant factor in some acts of extreme violence. More...
27 juillet 2017

Integrating radical fighters who return home isn’t easy, but can be done

The ConversationThousands of youths have been recruited by terrorist groups from Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Asia and America. Between 2011 and 2016 the number of “foreign fighters” rose to more than 42,000 – among them 5000 Westerners and close to 7000 North Africans. They had travelled to the Middle East to join jihadist organisations such as the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) and the Syrian Fateh al-Sham Front (ex-Al-Nusra), a former al Qaeda affiliate. More...
27 juillet 2017

The security problems now facing Emmanuel Macron, France’s new president

The ConversationEmmanuel Macron emerged from one of the most brutal and eventful election campaigns in recent European history as France’s next president. This was a campaign in which France’s domestic security, in the shadow of repeated terror attacks, was never far from the centre of broader debates about France’s future. More...
27 juillet 2017

Egyptian Copt attacks: Why a ‘religious revolution’ in Islam won’t stop violent radicalisation

The ConversationAt least 26 people were killed and 25 wounded today when gunmen attacked a bus carrying Coptic Christians in central Egypt. According to Egyptian state media, no group has yet claimed credit for the incident. More...
27 juillet 2017

Manchester attack: now is the time to properly talk about ‘radicalisation’

The ConversationEven as a researcher, who looks to understand extremism in the context of the everyday lives of young people, silence seems a compelling option right now. But although we might not know what to say today, in the long term, reaching our goal of creating a more secure society means we have to keep talking. More...
27 juillet 2017

Four ways social media companies and security agencies can tackle terrorism

The ConversationFacebook is considered a hotbed for terrorist recruitment, incitement, propaganda and the spreading of radical thinking. Twitter, YouTube and encrypted services such WhatsApp and Telegram are also implicated. More...
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