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3 août 2017

DIY online courses on Facebook . It has been a depressing week for me, with terrorist bombings, Trump’s environmental blunder, trade wars and political uncertainty in British Columbia. We are currently without an effective government but that seems not to be a problem for anyone. More...
3 août 2017

Update on Canadian survey of online learning . The online questionnaire has now been distributed by e-mail to every public university and college in Canada, a total of 215 institutions in all. The questionnaire will have been routed through the office of the Provost or VP Education, although it is probable that several people will be involved in each institution in collecting data for the questionnaire. More...
3 août 2017

E-portfolios from Dublin City University to enhance student employability . Dublin City University (2017) DCU launches new online learning portfolio to enhance student employability 24 May
I have been neglecting my blog because I have been really busy with two major projects: a national survey of online and distance education in Canadian post-secondary education; and Contact North’s Pockets of Innovation.
However I came across this news item from Dublin City University, Ireland, which I though was well worth a mention. More...
3 août 2017

Diagnosis in limbo: don’t eLearn now! Use time #blogphilosophy

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Where a month ago I felt strange becoming 50, right at the moment of turning fifty I heard that I had malignant cancer in one of my breasts, possibly both. Well, let’s just say I was no longer worried about age, but about life in general. At this point in time I am still in limbo on what the next steps are, but an answer is soon to come. More...

3 août 2017

Turning 50 hoping for cards or letters, will reply. Inge

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. This is the 1001 post I write on this blog. As it happens I am turning 50 in about two and a half weeks’ time (14 July – Bastille day when the French population stormed the Bastille as the start of the French revolution, as well as La Fête de la Fédération – where peace was celebrated one year later). After contemplating what I would like best … the only meaningful idea sticking to my mind, is to ask you for any type of Postal mail you might want to send me. More...
3 août 2017

Stephen Downes on a model of personal learning #learningtechday

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Stephen looks great while he takes the stage, and delivers an authentic, humorous talk with lots of ideas to reflect upon, while all the time simply sharing his experiences and thoughts. I must admit… I have a lot of speaking flow to learn. More...
3 août 2017

#oeb_midsummit Cognitive neuroscience and learning by @BekkeringHarold

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard.
Everything is connected in the brain, and the brain is a predictive machine.
A neuron at work is incoming data is output in just one unit. So in neuroscience we see that multiple inputs triggers a process into one output.
Hebbian learning: everything is connected (Hebb’ theory).
A human can adapt to one specific tone of voice and timbre. Our brain adjusts.
The brain is a prediction machine. More...
3 août 2017

#OEB_midsummit Surviving Digital Darwinism Tony Driscoll @wadatripp #corporate

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Why the future does not need us’ was an article that changed Tony’s life. He realized then that he was a techno positivist, but what would happen when something does not turn out positively, what really goes on in this intersection with technology. What will the technological effect be for current children, and what can we do in order to make them ready for the future. More...

3 août 2017

#OEB_midsummit Humanising machine learning by @nellwatson

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Essentially any task a human brain can do in roughly one second processing time can now by replicated by a machine. Machines can recognise people, transcribe between languages, esthetic interpretation, make predictions. What we have today is something of a revolution, leading us towards intuitive intelligence is a force moving us to the next revolution. Increasing human intelligence, as most geniuses are alive today. Read more...

3 août 2017

#OEB_midsummit teaching critical thinking by Ben Nelson @MinervaSchools

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. What is critical thinking? Critical thinking in itself does not exist. There are many things that together make up critical thinking. Evaluating a claim is something else than critical thinking, which requires arguments and proof.
Famous study with air traffic controllers, a manual job and taking in enormous amounts of data at split seconds. Critical thinking was similar because of far transfer. Far transfer is the holy grail of wisdom, of learning. Read more...

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