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20 septembre 2017

Do new teachers feel prepared for teaching?

Education & Skills TodayAs a new, enthusiastic and slightly nervous secondary school teacher in the Republic of Korea, I was perplexed to receive this advice from other, more experienced teachers. I took it to mean that as a new teacher, I should be strict and impersonal with my students, showing them that “I mean business”, particularly during the first month. I was even more surprised to find that variations of this adage – for example, “Don’t smile until Christmas” - exist in other countries. More...

20 septembre 2017

La Lettre de l’IREMAM, n°70 Septembre-Octobre 2017

20 septembre 2017

Le CEP Tour du Fongecif PACA du 27 septembre au 21 octobre 2017

carif espace-compétencesEntre le 27 septembre et le 21 octobre 2017, un bus aux couleurs du Fongecif va sillonner les routes de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.
Cette tournée itinérante animée par les conseillers du Fongecif PACA, vous accueille, vous informe et répond à vos questions sur vos bassins d`emploi.
Le bus du Conseil en Évolution Professionnelle est ouvert à tous, salariés, actifs en poste ou non, chefs d'entreprise ou jeunes créateurs, responsables de formation de l'accompagnement et de l`emploi qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur le CÉP et rencontrer le Fongecif PACA.

13 dates programmées dans 10 villes étapes dans les 6 départements de notre région

- Antibes 27 septembre
- Toulon 29 septembre
- La Seyne 30 septembre
- Digne 3 octobre
- Manosque 5 octobre
- Gap 7 octobre
- Avignon le Pontet 11 et 12 octobre
- ZI Aix en Provence 17 octobre
- Aix en Provence 18 octobre
- Aubagne les Paluds 20 octobre
- Marseille la Valentine 21 octobre

Plus d`information

20 septembre 2017

Canada offers US, UK academics security, not activism

By Grace Karram Stephenson. Over the past year, those in Canadian higher education have watched the political changes in the United States and Europe with mixed feelings. Institutions were optimistic when the number of applications from US students to some universities rose by more than 20%; but they were deeply concerned when some of their scholars were barred from the US due to the 'Muslim travel ban'. More...
20 septembre 2017

Recruitment of Vietnamese students limited by red tape

By Deren Temel. Between 1 and 4 July, social media channels across Vietnam were inundated with posts celebrating both Canada and the United States’ respective birthdays. With nearly 5,000 Vietnamese students studying in Canada, and more than 21,000 studying in the US, the social media streaming back to Vietnam on 4 July reached a much wider audience and emphasised the difference in Vietnamese nationals, particularly international students, living in each country. More...
20 septembre 2017

Malaysia consolidates its position as a regional hub

By Roger Chao Jr. University World News has recently featured a range of articles on the subject of the value of an international education and of international research, from a commentary on the student experience at micro-campuses to an article on how international study can increase social mobility. More...
20 septembre 2017

Remembering what higher education is all about

By Margaret Andrews. What’s the whole point of higher education? The word education, which is based on the words educe and educere, means to ‘lead forth or bring out’. That’s a pretty noble purpose and gives dignity and meaning to the work we do in higher education, whether as an educator, an administrator, a policy-maker or other roles in education. More...
20 septembre 2017

College diversity officer – Demanding job, low resources

By Sarah Brown, The Chronicle of Higher Education. Seven months ago, Mark Brimhall-Vargas became Brandeis University’s chief diversity officer. He was the first person to hold that job, though he has spent about 20 years doing diversity work in higher education in the United States. More...
20 septembre 2017

Universities take on Dutch publishing giant Elsevier

A consortium of German universities, research institutes and public libraries has rejected the latest offer from Dutch publishing giant Elsevier for a new countrywide licensing agreement for its research portfolio. Germany’s chief negotiator says the offer does not meet the requirements of German researchers, writes Ned Stafford for Chemistry World. More...
20 septembre 2017

Duterte makes education free in state universities

President Rodrigo Duterte has signed a law making education free at all state universities in the Philippines, despite warnings from his economic advisers that the country cannot afford it, reports Agence France-Presse. More...
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