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Formation Continue du Supérieur

22 septembre 2017

Slovenia: more money-laundering investigations needed to tackle serious crimes

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"The number of money-laundering investigations has risen in Slovenia since the last evaluation in 2010, but it is still not commensurate with the number of investigations and convictions for proceeds-generating crimes, such as tax evasion, fraud and other economic crimes, as well as drug trafficking. More...

22 septembre 2017

Ukraine has made promising reforms to fight corruption, but now it must deliver

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"A new report published today by the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) encourages Ukrainian authorities to pursue anti-corruption reform efforts it had launched following the Revolution of Dignity and calls for effective results to be delivered in practice. More...

22 septembre 2017

Violence in Barcelona is an attack on Europe’s freedom and democracy

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland today issued the following statement, “Innocent people – children, adults, residents and visitors to one of Europe’s most attractive touristic cities have been hit by cowardly acts of violence. I strongly condemn the heinous terrorist attacks in Barcelona. The Council of Europe stands in solidarity with the Spanish authorities and the people of Spain. The victims, their relatives and friends are foremost in our thoughts. Europeans must remain united and resolute to fight terrorism on the basis of our democratic values and principles of the rule of law”. More...

22 septembre 2017

Terrorist attacks in Spain

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"On behalf of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, I express my condolences to the families of the victims and I wish a prompt recovery to those injured.
I also wish to assure the Spanish authorities of the solidarity of the Council of Europe.  Such atrocities only strengthen our determination in fighting terrorism and defending our shared values of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. More...

22 septembre 2017

Financement de la promotion des formations initiales et des métiers

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Les organismes figurant sur une liste établie chaque année par arrêté des ministres chargés de l'éducation nationale et de la formation professionnelle, agissant au plan national pour la promotion de la formation technologique et professionnelle initiale et des métiers peuvent percevoir de la taxe d'apprentissage (au titre du Hors quota).
Consulter la liste 2017
Pour l’année 2018, les organismes souhaitant déposer une demande en vue de leur inscription sur cette liste nationale peuvent adresser leur dossier, au plus tard le 29 septembre 2017, à l’adresse suivante :
Par ailleurs, les établissements et organismes désirant être habilités au niveau régional au titre de l'article L.6241-10 du Code du travail doivent adresser un dossier complet, avant le 20 octobre 2017, au service instructeur. De même pour les établissements d'enseignement initial technologique ou professionnel. Plus...
22 septembre 2017

Promoting integrity in governance to tackle political corruption

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"Stepping up the fight against corruption and restoring trust in the efficiency and effectiveness of democratic institutions “must be a priority” for many European democracies, including European institutions, the Assembly said today at the end of a debate on promoting integrity in governance to tackle political corruption. More...

22 septembre 2017

European cities can play a central role in implementing integration policies

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"“More than ever, European cities and local governments can play a crucial role in the protection of the rights of refugees and migrants, and their integration,” today said the Mayor of Athens Georgios Kaminis, addressing the Assembly at the opening of a joint debate on migration. More...

21 septembre 2017

Immigration is both instrumental for modernisation of societies and for Europe’s survival

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"European states should acknowledge that immigration into Europe is both instrumental for “renewed dynamic and modernisation of societies” and for Europe’s survival of the ‘demographic winter’ which the continent is entering, PACE declared today. More...

21 septembre 2017

Sexual violence in public space: stop trivialisation and impunity

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"The Assembly expressed today its concern with the magnitude of the phenomenon of sexual violence and harassment of women in public space. More...

21 septembre 2017

PACE denounces ‘psychological’ methods used to exert political influence over the media

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "council of europe"PACE has denounced a series of methods used to exert political influence over journalists – ranging from physical threats and detention through to intimidation and harassment of editors and journalists, more “insidious” psychological pressure aimed at inducing self-censorship, or putting critical media outlets out of business. More...

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