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26 février 2017

Penalty rate cuts will lead to more students dropping out

By Andrew MacDonald. Today’s Fair Work Commission (FWC) decision to cut weekend penalty rates will have an adverse impact on students’ academic performance, says the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU). More...

26 février 2017

Latest International Student Data

By Paul Kniest. According to the latest Department of Education and Training International Student Report (see Chart 1) there were 712,884 international students enrolled in Australia education in 2016.  Higher education students made up the largest group of students accounting for 43.0% of the total (306,691) followed by vocational education (26.3%) and ELICOS (21.2%).  Non-award and school students together accounted for less than 10% of all students. More...

26 février 2017

NTEU VU Branch and QUTE Caucus call out VU on Q Society meeting on campus

By Jeannie Rea. Staff and students and community of Victoria University were stunned to realise, as they read of the awful anti-Islamic and anti-gay commentary at the Q Society fundraiser in Melbourne last Friday night, that the event was at a VU City Campus. More...

26 février 2017

Education International invokes international law in opposition to U.S. immigration ban

By Jeannie Rea. Education International is deeply concerned over the Executive Order signed by President Donald J. Trump on January 27th prohibiting the entry into the United States of Muslim citizens of seven countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The Order directly affects approximately 25,000 people holding student and work visas, and as many as 500,000 people who are permanent legal residents of the United States, including lecturers and researchers. More...

26 février 2017

La formation professionnelle diplômante, un pari gagnant pour l'emploi ? Le cas de la région Paca formation professionnelle est-elle réellement un outil de lutte contre le chômage des jeunes et des adultes ? Une évaluation de l’impact de formations diplômantes financées par la région Paca aboutit à des résultats allant dans ce sens. Deux ans après avoir suivi une formation diplômante, les stagiaires affichent un taux d’emploi nettement supérieur à celui des jeunes et adultes de mêmes caractéristiques n’ayant pas suivi ce type de formation. Pour autant, au terme de ces deux années, les conditions d’emploi des stagiaires ne sont pas meilleures que celles des autres.

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26 février 2017

Summer school: beyond Shakespeare in London

By . Back in 2009, King’s College London took the then courageous step to begin an Undergraduate Summer School. It was a leap in the dark and we started from nothing. At the time, the expectation was, quite unsurprisingly, that this was mainly going to be a programme for the North American market to suit their study abroad needs. In that first year our most important course was Shakespeare in London. Much has changed since then. More...

26 février 2017

Making public-private partnerships work in higher education

By . There is growing interest, among public sector higher education institutions, in engaging with private sector partners to provide complementary services and expertise, and to share investment and risk. The challenges faced by higher education institutions are creating a new climate for innovative solutions, but there are a number of important considerations for anyone thinking about private-public partnerships (PPPs). More...

26 février 2017

5 unique mental health stressors faced by international students

By . International Student Mobility is unequivocally changing the academic, social and political landscape in higher education. As universities compete globally to attract the best students, they have to address the unique mental health concerns of their new international community. More...

26 février 2017

Research digest for practitioners: February 2017

By . The February special issue of the Journal of Studies in International Education focuses in on global citizenship and global learning. The articles and authors critically analyse the concept ‘global citizen’, both the ambiguity of the term and how the term may only serve the Western world. More...

26 février 2017

Clowning around: relieving stress at the international office

By . As practitioners of internationalisation, we all know times of high pressure, team tensions, or intercultural difficulties. The paperwork is piling up; deadlines have to be met; colleagues, students, and researchers need your attention; and with a single phone call, any of the world's crises might come right to your desk. More...

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