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26 avril 2017

What is the state of virtual reality in the classroom? Blog. Virtual reality sounds like a far-off futuristic concept. When we hear the words “virtual reality” we may think of people wearing big helmets that transport them to another location from the comfort of their home (or classroom). More...

26 avril 2017

Report Urges Schools to Encourage African-American Girls to Pursue Engineering Blog. In 2015, less than 1 percent of all U.S. engineering bachelor’s degrees went to African-American women. Of the 106,658 engineering bachelor’s degrees awarded that year, 937 went to African-American women, just a third of the number that were achieved by African-American men. More...

26 avril 2017

Report: AI and IoT to Change Academic and Research Libraries in Years to Come Blog. In the next year or two, research data management and the valuing of the user experience will drive technology adoption in research and academic libraries. The growth of research reports through online library databases is making it easier for students, faculty and researchers to access and build upon existing ideas and work. More...

26 avril 2017

3 Keys to Introducing Virtual Reality in E-Learning Courses Blog. Virtual reality (VR) has found its way into the educational space, and by all indications, it’s here to stay. Since VR glasses can be obtained for as low as $10 apiece, cost is becoming less of an issue, although the expensive headsets are still out of reach for many. More...

26 avril 2017

Higher ed still lagging on digital accessibility Blog. Higher ed institutions are behind in ensuring accessibility for all students with digital material and platforms, as detailed by a new 3PlayMedia whitepaper. More...

26 avril 2017

Clicking Your Way to Flipping Your Class Blog. ‘Flipping the classroom’ has become a popular endeavour among faculty and instructors¹, ²– it’s a refreshing and most welcome way to change the way we teach. In the process of flipping a class, especially for the first time, ‘clicker’-based peer instruction represents a powerful solution to engaging students in order to promote learning. More...

26 avril 2017

What is Mobile Learning? Blog. Sometimes referred to simply as ‘mlearning’, mobile learning can be described as ‘anywhere, anytime’ learning that is not fixed in time (by schedule) or space (by location) and that is supported by digital technologies. More...

26 avril 2017

Using Robotics to Prepare Students for the Future Blog. In today’s’ technology-driven world, it’s important now more than ever to prepare students for the future. Teaching robotics to young students throughout their schooling can increase their ability to be creative and innovative thinkers and more productive members of society. More...

26 avril 2017

Online and Digital Education: Enhancing Access to Higher Education in the 21st Century Blog. The barriers to extending access to higher education are lower than ever with the vast and rapid evolution of online education opportunities, but it’s up to institutions to adopt these offerings and create new pathways to postsecondary credentials.The 1862 Morrill Land Grant Act is often considered the landmark in the democratization of higher education, assuring postsecondary access to more than the privileged few and ensuring, simultaneously, the education of scholars and the training of a highly skilled workforce. More...

26 avril 2017

Survey: To get more women in STEM, hire more female faculty Blog. A recent CDW survey of 300 college women that examined both those majoring in STEM and those who left their STEM major suggests a lack of female role models, including instructors, in these fields is a primary deterrent to their pursuit. More...

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