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3 octobre 2017

Time Shifting and Agile Time Boxes in Course Design

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningThe ongoing integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) into higher education courses is often called blended learning although it often relates to course design. It is usually understood in place categories, as a combination of traditional classroom-based sessions and Internet-enabled distance or online learning practices. More...

3 octobre 2017

The Effect of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Application on E-learning Acceptance: A Structural Equation Model

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningStandardising learning content and teaching approaches is not considered to be the best practice in contemporary education. This approach does not differentiate learners based on their individual abilities and preferences. The present research integrates a pedagogical theory Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with an information system (IS) theory Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). More...

3 octobre 2017

Using Design-Based Research to Develop Meaningful Online Discussions in Undergraduate Field Experience Courses

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningFrom a design perspective, the intentionality of students to engage in surface or deep learning is often experienced through prescribed activities and learning tasks. Educators understand that meaningful learning can be furthered through the structural and organizational design of the online environment that motivates the student towards task completion. However, learning engagement is unique for each student. More...

3 octobre 2017

The Pedagogic Architecture of MOOC: A Research Project on Educational Courses in Spanish

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningThis study has been carried out within the context of the ECO European Project (E-learning, Communication Open-Data: Massive Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Open Learning) which is being financed by the European Union over four years (2014-17). It analyses the pedagogic architecture of MOOC on pedagogic/educational subjects in Spanish over one academic year. More...

3 octobre 2017

Types of Participant Behavior in a Massive Open Online Course

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningIn recent years there has been a proliferation of massive open online courses (MOOCs), which provide unprecedented opportunities for lifelong learning. Registrants approach these courses with a variety of motivations for participation. Characterizing the different types of participation in MOOCs is fundamental in order to be able to better evaluate the phenomenon and to support MOOCs developers and instructors in devising courses which are adapted for different learners' needs. Thus, the purpose of this study was to characterize the different types of participant behavior in a MOOC. More...

3 octobre 2017

Back-to-School Reading! Happy September.

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningWe are pleased to bring you the penultimate issue of 2017, a collection of 16 research pieces and one field note that comprises a literature review on MOOCs. Researchers continue to investigate the nature of MOOCs, although we have only two MOOC-research pieces this issue. The first is from Kahan, Soffer, and Nachmias, who sought to characterize the different types of participant behavior in a MOOC using a data mining methodology with 21,889 participants. The results provide further evidence of the usefulness of MOOC flexibility in meeting participants' needs and supports the claim that MOOCs' impact should not be evaluated solely on certification rates but rather based on learning behaviours. More...

3 octobre 2017

Formation de maître d'apprentissage

Orientation Pays de la LoireÀ partir du 6 novembre 2017, un Mooc "maître d’apprentissage : encadrer et faire grandir" sera proposé par le Centre de formation d’apprentis (CFA) inter universités des Pays de la Loire. À destination des entreprises, des maîtres d’apprentissage, et de toute personne intéressée par le management de proximité, cette formation en ligne permettra de répondre aux exigences liées à l’accompagnement d’un apprenti au sein de l’entreprise. Plus...

3 octobre 2017

Rester proche des publics éloignés

Orientation Pays de la LoireDans un contexte où se profile un afflux de jeunes important dans les années à venir et où le contexte du marché du travail reste difficile, l’accompagnement des jeunes, notamment les plus éloignés de l’emploi reste un enjeu fort en région Pays de la Loire.
Les Missions Locales, acteur de l’accompagnement de ces jeunes, ont ainsi suivi plus de 53 000 jeunes en 2016, chiffre important mais toutefois en baisse sur les trois dernières années. Le public accueilli et suivi par les Missions Locales apparaît de plus en plus jeune et féminin mais ce que l’on retient surtout c’est l’évolution inversée entre le niveau infra V qui baisse fortement et les niveaux IV et III et plus qui augmentent nettement. Plus...

3 octobre 2017

Higher education: press refresh

If the time has come for you to make a career change, perhaps you should consider entering the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, where talent is needed. By 2020, a whole 800,000 jobs will be vacant in this field, according to the European Commission… The number is impressive, yet it represents only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the challenges our societies are currently facing. More...

3 octobre 2017

The 10 main challenges of the 2024 Paris Olympics

The declared goals are ambitious: 25% less GES in 2020 than in 2004, support of the circular economy in order to reduce waste, promotion of active and electric mobilities, etc. Paris insisted on the ecological aspect of its application as host town in order to win the organisation and to promote the Paris Agreements on climate. More...

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