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21 avril 2017

How Maker Mindsets Can Be An Easy Fit For Rural Schools

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web.  How Maker Mindsets Can Be An Easy Fit For Rural Schools
Leah Shaffer, Mind/Shift, 2017/03/09
Some of you may recall my photo set from the Metcalfe Fair last October. What struck me at the time was the participation of young people in the events. In a rural community like Metcalfe, to 'make' is to raise a calf, grow a crop, or restore an antique. More...

21 avril 2017

Arab Universities and MOOCs: Cautious Cooperation

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Arab Universities and MOOCs: Cautious Cooperation
Sabah Hamamou, Al Fanar Media, 2017/03/09

Dood article providing an overview of the two major Arabic-language MOOC platforms, Edraak and Rawaq. More...

21 avril 2017

Who’s speaking at TED2017? Announcing our speaker lineup

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Who’s speaking at TED2017? Announcing our speaker lineup
TED, 2017/03/09
Someone said to me today that TED would be a good platform for me. This led to a conversation about how TED is careful not to offend rich people. More...

21 avril 2017

Why Your Employees and Colleagues Might Be Your Most Important Customers

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Why Your Employees and Colleagues Might Be Your Most Important Customers
Harvard Business Review, 2017/03/09
I used to warn people that unless we in public institutions didn't get our online learning act together, companies like Disney would move in and do our job for us. More...

21 avril 2017

Open Learning, Open Networks

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Open Learning, Open Networks
Stephen Downes, Mar 09, 2017, SUNY Open COTE 2017, Syracuse, New York
Open online learning entered the mainstream with the growth and popularity of MOOCs, but while interest in open online courses has never been greater MOOCs represent only the first step in a broader open learning infrastructure. In this keynote Stephen Downes will describe several key innovations shaping the future of open learning: distributed social networks, cloud infrastructures and virtualization, immersive reality, and personal learning environments. The talk will outline the challenges this evolving model will pose to learning providers and educational institutions and recommend policies and processes to meet them. More...

21 avril 2017

How “News Literacy” Gets the Web Wrong

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How “News Literacy” Gets the Web Wrong
Michael Caulfield, Hapgood, 2017/03/07
Michael Caulfield astutely diagnoses what is wrong with a lot of the 'new literacy' guidelines for evaluating news reports on the web. These guidelines spend a lot of time urging students to assess the trustworthiness of the website, instead of getting to the source of the report being passed along. More...

21 avril 2017

Why students in Moldova are performing better

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Why students in Moldova are performing better
Lucia Casap, World Bank, 2017/03/07
Between 2009 and 2015 Moldova significantly increased its PISA scores. This article looks for possible explanations and finds three: schools adopted a reporting process, per-capita financing was introduced, and baccalaureate exam security was enhanced. More...

21 avril 2017

Bots go bust

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Bots go bust
Baptiste Parravicini, ReadWrite, 2017/03/07
I like predictions that go against the grain, especially when I am fundamentally in agreement with them. Here are the predictions:

  • Bots go bust
  • Deep learning goes commodity
  • AI is cleantech 2.0 for VCs
  • MLaaS dies a second death
  • Full stack vertical AI startups actually work. More...
21 avril 2017

Bold ideas for a better world

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Bold ideas for a better world
Sam Sebastian, Official Google Canada Blog, 2017/03/07
This is a list of finalists from "the first Impact Challenge in Canada - a nationwide competition to find and fund the most innovative nonprofits that are using technology to tackle tough social problems." More...

21 avril 2017

We Don’t Need More Mousetraps!

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. We Don’t Need More Mousetraps!
Tim Kastelle, The Discipline of Innovation, 2017/03/07
In the spirit of Who Moved My Cheese, Tim Kastelle makes the case that innovation should not be measured in terms of new discoveries, patents and publications, and instead focuses on "something that solves actual problems for real people." This, he argues, is a circular process. More...

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