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15 mai 2017

RSS now looks to 'saffronise' higher education

After making inroads into school education, Hindu nationalist organisation Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or RSS, is looking to strengthen its grip on higher education, writes Kritika Sharma for Daily News and Analysis. More...
15 mai 2017

Ministry sets target for student entrepreneurs

A Higher Education Ministry target anticipates that by 2020, 15% of students will venture into entrepreneurship while they are still pursuing studies at institutions of higher education, with 5% of them having the primary goal of becoming entrepreneurs upon graduating, reports Bernama. More...
15 mai 2017

New regulation to prevent spread of campus radicalism

The Research, Technology and Higher Education Ministry is preparing a regulation to control the spread of radical views on campuses, reports The Jakarta Post. More...
15 mai 2017

University calm after two foreign academics detained

By Yojana Sharma. Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, or PUST, has said it is not issuing any particular instructions for the protection of its foreign staff in North Korea in the wake of the recent detention by North Korean authorities of two American professors teaching there. More...
15 mai 2017

New president to reduce tuition fees, jobs favouritism

By Aimee Chung. South Korea’s newly elected president, Moon Jae-in, has made breaking down the near-monopoly of the country’s top universities on the best jobs a cornerstone of his campaign and has repeated a pledge made by different parties in past elections to bring down tuition fees – which are among the highest in the world. More...
15 mai 2017

At the vanguard of an HE privatisation wave?

By Marcelo Knobel and Robert Verhine. Brazil has the world’s ninth largest gross domestic product, a population of around 195 million inhabitants, distributed in more than five thousand cities in 26 states and one federal district. The country has an unusual higher education system, with a relatively small number of public research universities and a large number of private institutions. More...
15 mai 2017

What will President Macron mean for UK universities?

By Anne Corbett. For the British, Macron will be a new and powerful voice in the European Union club that has even more immediate concerns than Brexit, such as the economy, the refugee crisis and terrorism. Macron’s widely publicised point that Britain can’t expect better terms outside the EU than in, is not a sign of spite; it is a fact under the terms of the Treaty which requires respect for the freedoms which underpin the Single Market and the EU’s values. More...
15 mai 2017

Universities have become isolated from their publics

By Ellen Hazelkorn. The history of rankings stretches back to the late 19th century, but it is the intensification of globalisation that has been the most powerful force and explanation for their emergence and success since the turn of the millennium. More...
15 mai 2017

A new dawn for Asian higher education regionalisation?

By Roger Chao Jr. Having been privileged to attend the launch of the Asian Universities Alliance, or AUA, and its Presidents’ Forum at Tsinghua University, Beijing, on 29 April, I wanted to reflect on its possible implications for the regionalisation of Asian higher education. More...
15 mai 2017

A monstrous muddle of no-profit and for-profit HE

By Liz Reisberg and Philip G Altbach. Purdue University, an institution among America’s most respected research universities, has announced it is buying the for-profit Kaplan University. More...
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