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19 juillet 2016

The One-University Idea and its Futures - Center for Studies in Higher Education

Center for Studies in Higher EducationThe University of California is unique among American multicampus systems in that it is organized around a principle known as the one-university idea. Its premise is simple: that a large and decentralized system of ten campuses, differing in size, resources, aspiration, and stage of development, can nevertheless be governed as a single university. The one-university idea has long been regarded as a major force behind UC's rise to pre-eminence among American research universities. But does it have a future in the age of public disinvestment in higher education? CSHE Senior Research Associate Patricia A. Pelfrey discusses the one-university principle in the context of UC's history, its contemporary relevance to the governance of the UC system, and the drive for institutional redesign in American universities. More...

19 juillet 2016

Higher Education Institutions Will Risk Funding Penalties if They Fail to Address Gender Inequality

Higher education institutions will risk funding being withheld if they fail to address gender inequality in the coming years.
That’s one of the outcomes of a report published today (27.06.16) on gender equality in higher education.  The report was compiled by the Expert Group commissioned by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) to undertake a national review of gender equality in higher education institutions. More...

19 juillet 2016

State of Australian University Research 2015–16: Volume 1 ERA National Report

Home, Australian Research Council, Australian Government - logoThe inaugural State of Australian University Research 2015–16: Volume 1 ERA National Report comprehensively details the quality of Australian university research benchmarked against world standards.
It identifies the excellence in research across a broad range of universities and the outstanding performances in areas of specialisation. Overall the quality of Australian university research continues to improve. This report includes the ERA 2015 national results and research published in the period 1 January 2008–31 December 2013.
All documentation regarding ERA 2015 is accessible in the ERA 2015 page. Please note that material on this page is strictly related to ERA 2015 only. More...

19 juillet 2016

Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education in the United Kingdom for the Academic Year 2014/15

HESA logo - click for home pageThis Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), in collaboration with statisticians from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the Welsh Government (WG), the Scottish Government (SG) and the Department for the Economy Northern Ireland (DfE(NI)). It has been released according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. More...

19 juillet 2016

The Innovation Output Indicator 2016: Methodology Update

European Commission logoThis technical report presents the 2016 update of the Innovation Output Indicator (IOI), the latest scores for the composite index and for the underlying indicators. It also discusses in details how changes in the statistical definition of some of the underlying indicators affect the methodology and results. We recall that the IOI was developed by the European Commission at the request of the European Council in order to benchmark national innovation policies and to monitor the EU’s performance against its main trading partners. The IOI is a composite of four indicators and measures the extent to which ideas stemming from innovative sectors are capable of reaching the market, providing better jobs and making Europe more competitive. More...

19 juillet 2016

Report on the Consultation on Long Term Sustainability of Research Infrastructures

European Commission logoIn December 2015 the European Commission launched a targeted consultation on the long-term sustainability of pan-European Research Infrastructures. The purpose of this consultation was to identify trends and possible corresponding actions that could be implemented at regional, national and European level, to strengthen the long-term sustainability of Research Infrastructures. The results of the consultation are presented in this report and highlight the need to strengthen the involvement of industry to develop credible business models as well as efficient governance models to develop research infrastructures. It is also necessary to look into the different existing funding schemes both to ensure appropriate synergies and to explore possible new solutions.

Read the Report. More...

19 juillet 2016

Public consultation on Horizon 2020 ‘Science with and for Society’ Work Programme 2018-2020

European Commission logoThe objective of Part V of Horizon 2020 'Science with and for Society' (SWAFS) is "to build effective cooperation between science and society, to recruit new talent for science, and to pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility".
The purpose of the present open public online consultation is to collect views and opinions on the strategy, scope, objectives, and expected impacts of the Horizon 2020 ‘Science with and for Society’ Work Programme 2018-2020. More...

19 juillet 2016

L'apprentissage dans la fonction publique de l'État - 21/06/2016

Portail de la fonction publique, retour à l'accueilGuide pratique à l'usage des services des ressources humaines.
Édité pour la première fois en avril 2015, ce guide est enrichi cette année pour tenir compte de l’évolution du cadre réglementaire concernant le régime d’assurance-chômage, les fonctions de maître d’apprentissage, l’organisation des travaux réglementés appliqués aux apprentis mineurs, et plus largement pour l’adapter à l’évolution des pratiques de gestion.

19 juillet 2016

Parution du rapport Regards croisés sur la recherche partenariale

illustrationComment se construisent les relations entre les établissements publics de recherche et les entreprises ?
La question du partenariat n'a jamais été aussi actuelle pour les établissements publics de recherche et les entreprises, qui doivent relever des nouveaux défis. Alors que les dispositifs de valorisation se multiplient en France, le partenariat demeure encore insuffisant. Six pistes d'amélioration susceptibles d'aider les acteurs à collaborer plus efficacement sont suggérées par FutuRIS dans un rapport intitulé « Regards croisés sur la recherche partenariale. Comment se construisent les relations entre les établissements publics de recherche et les entreprises ? »

Télécharger le rapport 
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19 juillet 2016

La fragile comparabilité des durées de travail en France et en Allemagne

Institut national de la statistique et des études économiquesLa mesure du temps de travail fait partie des objectifs assignés aux enquêtes Emploi européennes (EU Labour Force Surveys). Cet article propose d’examiner les conditions dans lesquelles les estimations de durée de travail sont construites à partir des enquêtes Emploi en France et en Allemagne. Il est surtout consacré à la mesure des heures effectivement travaillées, concept privilégié par les analyses économiques de court terme et les comptes nationaux. Voir l'article...

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