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11 août 2015

Bilan de compétences professionnelles - Spectacle Vivant

accès à l'accueil - Pôle emploiComme pour l’ensemble des salariés depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la loi du 31 décembre 1991, les professionnels du spectacle peuvent solliciter un bilan de compétences. L’AFDAS a mis en place en octobre 2010 une prestation spécifique et mieux adaptée : le bilan de compétences professionnelles spectacle vivant (BCP-SV).
Vingt-trois organismes repartis sur 9 régions (Alsace, Bretagne, Ile de France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Lorraine, Nord Pas-de-Calais, Pays de la Loire, PACA, et Rhône-Alpes) sont habilités à le proposer.
Il est destiné en priorité aux personnes comptant au moins 5 ans d’ancienneté professionnelle et dont la carrière connait une période de mutation ou de baisse d’activité.
Le coût du BCP-SV est pris en charge par l’AFDAS dans le cadre du droit individuel à la formation (DIF) pour les intermittents, si leur nombre d’heures acquises est suffisant (24 heures), ou du congé de bilan pour les permanents.
D’une durée de 10 à 12 mois il se divise en 3 parties. La première concerne un travail d’introspection et d’analyse, la seconde est centrée sur le projet professionnel (que souhaitons faire ou ne pas faire ? retrouver ou développer ? quelle est  la réalité ?).
La troisième partie consiste dans un suivi de la mise en ouvre concrète des étapes identifiées dans les phases précédentes.

Plus d’informations sur Voir l'article...

11 août 2015

Fonds de professionnalisation et de solidarité des artistes et techniciens du spectacle

accès à l'accueil - Pôle emploiFonds d’Etat créé le 1er avril 2007, le fonds de professionnalisation constitue une réponse pérenne aux difficultés financières et sociale des artistes et techniciens du spectacle fragilisés dans leur parcours professionnel.
Ce fonds comporte deux volets complémentaires - indemnisation et soutien professionnel et social - :

  • le volet indemnisation est géré par Pôle emploi;
  • le volet professionnel et social est géré par Audiens. Voir l'article...
11 août 2015

Connaissez-vous On The Move ?

accès à l'accueil - Pôle emploiOn The Move est un réseau d'information sur la mobilité culturelle en Europe et au-delà.
Le but d'On The Move est d'encourager et faciliter la mobilité et la coopération artistique.
N'hésitez pas à :

  •  visiter le site 
  • à participer à la campagne européenne pour soutenir le budget européen de la culture
  • à découvrir le centre de ressources en ligne
  • à vous abonner à la newsletter en français qui vous dévoilera une  sélection d’opportunités de mobilité. Voir l'article...
11 août 2015

Effectively Handling Allegations and Investigations of Research Misconduct

LH Martin Institute

20 August 2015, Perth
 The increase in the number of researchers, growing pressure to publish, and the competition for research funding over the past decade, has put pressure on the academic research community. 
Although serious cases of research misconduct by members of academic staff are relatively few in Australian universities, where they occur they have the potential to impact not only the career of the particular staff member, but also to negatively impact the university in reputational and financial terms. International reports indicate that the requirement to deal with allegations or actual incidences of research misconduct is increasing. More...

11 août 2015

2015 Service Improvement and Innovation in Universities

LH Martin Institute

15-16 October 2015 Melbourne
Building on the successful conferences held by University of South Australia and University of Newcastle, the 2015 Service Improvement and Innovation Conference draws on internal and external leaders in the field to provide you with valuable insights into how to drive service improvements and innovation across your institution. The conference is presented by universities for universities to further our collective understanding and ability to lift performance across the sector. More...

11 août 2015

Leading and Managing in Universities: Critical Insights for Academic and Corporate Leaders

LH Martin Institute

11 - 13 November 2015 Melbourne
This program explores the different elements of what a leader needs to know when implementing their institution's public mission and corporate strategy. It provides participants with the opportunity to interrogate the key challenges to organisational leadership, such as working in environments of constant change, human and fiscal resources and fostering leadership teams.
Based on previous participants' feedback, the program will now include two strands to address the different needs of university academic and business leaders. Throughout the program, participants from both strands will work independently and collaboratively, giving the benefit of coming together for sessions of mutual interest. More...

11 août 2015

3MT® 2015

The University of Melbourne logoThe University of Melbourne 3 Minute Thesis Competition is back. After the excitement of last year’s competition, we are looking forward to welcoming graduate researchers from around the University to find the most effective, interesting communicators.
A research communication competition, 3MT® challenges PhD students to present a compelling speech on their thesis topic and its significance in just three minutes. It's exciting for the audience too and you'll pick up some great presentation tips!
3MT® can help you develop academic, presentation, and research communication skills, increasing your capacity to effectively explain your research to a broad, general audience.
If you have passed confirmation or it’s equivalent you are eligible to participate. Competition details below. Staff, students and friends are welcome to come along to support participants. More...
11 août 2015

The value of campus in a changing higher education environment

The University of Melbourne logoPostponed. New date and Venue TBA.

Presenter: Dr Sarah French, Project Manager, Melbourne CSHE

The idea of ‘going to university’ is integrally tied to the concept of the university campus as a physical place. The campus provides students with the opportunity for social and intellectual engagement with a scholarly community and gives meaning to the learning experience. However, in the twenty first century, a series of changes to the educational environment have impacted upon the ways in which students engage with the campus, prompting universities to look at the role of the physical campus afresh. This presentation considers the role that space and place play in higher education and identifies some of the key benefits of campus-based learning. It traces the history of the university campus and examines the ways in which shifts in student participation, educational philosophies, learning space design and the channels of delivery have redefined the campus experience. The seminar aims to stimulate discussion on the role that the physical campus will play in the future of higher education and how the value of the campus experience might be preserved and strengthened. More...

11 août 2015

Assessment (Re)Design in Higher Education: Opportunities, Prospects and Practical Challenges

The University of Melbourne logoWednesday, 19th of August, 2015

Old Metallurgy-202 (Room 2), University of Melbourne (map)
Presenter: Professor James Pellegrino, University of Illinois at Chicago

This seminar will focus on some of the ways in which assessment is being re-conceptualized in the U.S. higher education context, especially in areas of STEM education. At the core of this effort is a reconsideration of what it means to “know” and “understand” science and the implications for what and how we assess proficiency in science. A new definition of proficiency, expressed as performance expectations, spans K-12 through higher education and extending into areas of graduate and professional education.  We will consider what lies at the core of this new conception of proficiency and some of the challenges and opportunities it poses for assessment design and use in contexts ranging from tests for Advanced Placement in college courses to classroom and course assessments, to changes in the AAMC’s Medical College Admission Test.

To regsiter for this seminar please complete the online form. More...

11 août 2015

MOOCs: What Have we Learned?

The University of Melbourne logoFriday 14th August 2015
Rivett Theatre, Redmond Barry Building
(note: venue changed from previously advertised; correct as of 3 August 2015)
University of Melbourne, Parkville

It has been nearly four years since the first MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) were offered by Stanford University. MOOCs are now offered to tens of millions of learners worldwide, by hundreds of top universities. MOOCs are no longer an experiment - the learning, reach, and value they offer are now a reality. Daphne will show how MOOCs provide opportunities for open-ended projects, intercultural learner interactions, and collaborative learning. She will discuss some of the data that we are collecting from MOOCs, and what we are learning from these data about both courses and learners. Specifically, she will discuss a variety of measurable aspects of course design and how these choices affect learner behavior, satisfaction, and retention. Daphne will also describe both the data and examples of the kind of transformative impact that can be derived from providing millions of people with access to the world’s best education.

This seminar is now full. Please click below to be waitlisted.

Register for the waiting list. More...

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