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11 juillet 2016

Sweden - improved IVET digital competence

Home Skills for confident and conscious use of information technology are becoming increasingly important in a changing society. In IVET, digital competence may be crucial for learners to adapt in a competitive economy.  To promote digital competence, the Swedish government is proposing a strategic nationwide programme that takes IVET-specific needs into account. More...

11 juillet 2016

Spain - new initiatives for young adults

Home The Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism has launched a shared working spaces plan for entrepreneurs and a youth employment plan, in cooperation with the School of Industrial Organization (Escuela de Organización Industrial - EOI). These plans have a combined budget of EUR 83 million and a target of more than 8 500 young adults and entrepreneurs. More...

11 juillet 2016

Making learning work in Greece

Home Cooperation between employment and education authorities and Cedefop to equip Greek people with the skills needed to find and stay in employment was the topic of a seminar on 28 June in Thessaloniki. More...

11 juillet 2016

Policies for matching better skills in better jobs

Home At a seminar jointly organised by Cedefop and the Netherlands EU Presidency on 23 June in Brussels, experts and stakeholders from around Europe discussed policies for matching better skills in better jobs. More...

11 juillet 2016

Skillsnet e-bulletin: June 2016

Home The SKILLSNET e-bulletin June 2016 Issue has just been send to skillsnet members and published here in a pdf format.
The highlight of the June issue of the Skillsnet e-bulletin refers to the publication of the new occupation higlights on the Skills Panorama. More...

11 juillet 2016

SAVE THE DATE - 2nd Policy Learning Forum on defining and writing of learning outcomes for VET qualifications

Home Building on the positive outcomes of the first PLF organised in 2015, our aim is to strengthen the exchange of experiences related to the writing and use of learning outcomes in VET. While the learning outcomes approaches are now firmly embedded in the majority of European VET systems, mutual learning across national and institutional borders is still limited. More...

11 juillet 2016

Skills Panomara: New analytical highlights on occupations just published

Home New occupational analytical highlights offer valuable insights on the trends for skills as well as analyses of the drivers of change for a total of 30 occupations.
They provide succinct information about the occupation, its future prospects and key trends in skills based on a thorough analysis of the most pertinent drivers of change as well as potential responses to the key skills challenges identified. More...

11 juillet 2016

Germany - VET attractiveness among higher education students

HomeThe results of a student survey on the attractiveness of vocational education and training (VET), conducted by the University of Maastricht in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), show that around a third of students have doubts about whether they will complete the course of  higher education study they are currently undertaking. About 30% believe that training in the dual system is an attractive alternative. More...

11 juillet 2016

VET at the heart of cohesion policy challenges

HomeAt a high level conference held in Sofia on 16 and 17 June to discuss the result orientation of the cohesion policy, Cedefop Director James Calleja said that cohesion funds have a dual role: to promote the ‘think European, act local’ idea and ensure universal access to the acquisition of skills and qualifications. More...

11 juillet 2016

United Kingdom - increasingly diverse university entrance routes

HomeThe rise in applicants possessing vocational qualifications poses a challenge for university admissions staff, who often lack in-depth knowledge of these qualifications. More applicants now also study a mixture of academic and vocational subjects. The vocational qualifications landscape in the UK is complex and is changing with the introduction of Tech Levels, applied general qualifications, and the expansion of apprenticeships. Variations also exist in the types of qualifications available within the UK, with Scottish qualifications in particular differing from the rest of the UK. More...

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