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3 janvier 2016

The Green Paper needs big data

By Paul Clark. The Green Paper on higher education in England placed something else alongside students at the heart of the new system – data and information. As we move further towards a marketised sector in England, the importance of data becomes ever more pronounced. More...

3 janvier 2016

How to spot different sorts of potential

By Roxanne Stockwell. In Britain, unlike many other countries, universities have the autonomy to admit the students they want. Those with the highest University and Colleges Admissions Service (Ucas) points have the most choices. Is this really the most appropriate system. More...

2 janvier 2016

Don’t give in to your inner critic

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Jennifer Polk. My friend Lisa Munro, a fellow history PhD who works as an academic editor and writing consultant, cut right to the chase in a recent blog post. “Sticking to a writing schedule is difficult because it requires me to prioritize myself,” she wrote. More...

2 janvier 2016

The uses of care

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Melonie Fullick. Recently on Twitter and Facebook I’ve seen more articles on taking care of ourselves and the practice of “self-care” in academe, which makes a lot of sense at a time of year when (in the Northern hemisphere) the combination of colder weather, anxiety and exhaustion at the end of the semester—and the potential added stress of the holiday season—means that many academics and students are feeling worn out and in need of a break. More...

2 janvier 2016

The special kinship between department chairs and university lawyers

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Brent Davis. Poor souls – if a legal issue arises on campus, chances are it will find its way to a chair’s desk. More...

2 janvier 2016

Major policy changes needed to bring academia into the 21st century

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Jonathan Thon. There are problems with academic science. We all know this to be true. After roughly eight years of maintaining The Black Hole blog, and three decades having experienced academic science from the ground up — as curious kids, volunteers, undergraduates and then graduate science students, postdoctoral fellows, instructors, professors, thought leaders and mentors — Dave and I have accumulated a comprehensive list of changes the system desperately needs. More...

2 janvier 2016

Some good and bad ideas for restructuring the PhD

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By David Kent. Last week, a series of articles came out in Nature that highlighted the need for urgent change in PhD education. This is not a new call, but in one of the articles, Julia Gould does an excellent job of drawing attention to some serious efforts that are underway to both understand and address the problem. More...

2 janvier 2016

The implicit gender bias around academia and motherhood

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Jessica Riddell. The following is an email exchange I had with one of my students who was profiling community members for a weekly column in the local newspaper. At the time, I was seven months pregnant with my first child. More...

2 janvier 2016

Taxe d’apprentissage 2016 - Actalians

Suite à la réforme de la formation professionnelle de mars 2014, le dispositif de collecte et de répartition de la taxe d’apprentissage a été modifié.
Ainsi, pour la prochaine collecte prévue avant le 1er mars 2016, vous pourrez verser votre taxe d’apprentissage auprès d'Actalians.
⇒ Pour en savoir plus :
Consultez l'arrêté autorisant Actalians à être collecteur de la taxe d'apprentissage au 1er janvier 2016 (JORF n°0278 du 1 décembre 2015).
Arrêté du 23 novembre 2015

2 janvier 2016

Constructys devient Organisme Collecteur de la taxe d'apprentissage du BTP

Logo GFC-BTP Site OmbrelleLa réforme de la formation professionnelle du 5 mars 2014 réduit le nombre d’organismes collecteurs de la taxe d’apprentissage au 1er janvier 2016. Concernant notre secteur du BTP, la profession a choisi de confier à Constructys la collecte de la taxe d’apprentissage.
Versez votre taxe d'apprentissage au BTP
Les métiers du BTP sont porteurs d’avenir. Former les jeunes permet d’assurer le renouvellement des générations, c’est une action fondamentale pour notre secteur. Grâce à l’apprentissage, vous recruterez des professionnels opérationnels ayant bénéficié de formations de qualité.

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