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30 janvier 2016

Investing in people key to economic growth – 2015 ESDE review

HomeThe European Commission's 2015 Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) review, which was presented at a conference in Brussels on 21 January, reveals further positive developments in the EU. Differences between Member States still exist, however, many of them linked to an underutilisation of human capital. More...

30 janvier 2016

Cedefop and MEPs discuss apprenticeships at the European Parliament

HomeWork-based learning and apprenticeships were discussed at a working dinner organised by Cedefop and hosted by Amjad Bashir MEP at the European Parliament in Brussels on 25 January. Twenty four people took part in the discussion, including eight MEPs from various parties. More...

30 janvier 2016

New cooperation period for ReferNet partners – linking European with national initiatives

HomeReferNet, Cedefop's European network of vocational education and training (VET) expertise, held its annual plenary meeting on 19 and 20 January. The 30 ReferNet partners from all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway started a new cooperation period through a four-year framework partnership agreement (2016-2019) concluded with Cedefop. More...

30 janvier 2016

VET helps people say yes to education and training

HomeCedefop research looks for new evidence to understand dropout and early leaving from vocational education and training (VET) in Europe and to analyse VET’s role in reducing early leaving. Project manager Irene Psifidou answers some of the questions the research addresses. More...

30 janvier 2016

‘Skillset and match’ January issue is out!

HomeThe January 2016 issue of Skillset and match, Cedefop’s magazine promoting learning for work, is now available to read and download. More...

30 janvier 2016

Mehrsprachiger computergestützter Spracherwerb: Mehr als nur Übersetzungsübungen?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour In dem Beitrag werden zwei Projekte vorgestellt, die sich speziell mit dem mehrsprachigen computergestützten Spracherwerb befassen. More...

30 janvier 2016

Nieformalna nauka języka za pomocą urządzeń mobilnych: doświadczenia osób uczących się języka walijskiego

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Urządzenia mobilne mają ogromny potencjał w zakresie wspierania nauki języków obcych — zapewniają dostęp do słownictwa, lekcji i zasobów, a także umożliwiają interakcję z innymi osobami posługującymi się danym językiem. More...

30 janvier 2016

Apprendimento mobile informale: le abitudini degli studenti che apprendono la lingua gallese

Résultat de recherche d'images pour I dispositivi mobili hanno un grande potenziale nel sostenere l'apprendimento delle lingue, garantendo l'accesso a dizionari, lezioni e svariate risorse, nonché dando la possibilità di interagire con altri parlanti. More...

30 janvier 2016

Apprentissage informel et mobile des langues : explorer les pratiques des apprenants en gallois

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Les appareils mobiles peuvent contribuer largement à l’apprentissage des langues, en donnant accès au vocabulaire, aux leçons et aux ressources et en encourageant les interactions avec d’autres locuteurs. More...

30 janvier 2016

El aprendizaje informal de lenguas a través del móvil: análisis de las prácticas seguidas por los estudiantes de galés

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Los dispositivos móviles tienen un enorme potencial para respaldar el aprendizaje de lenguas al ofrecer acceso a vocabulario, clases y recursos, y respaldar las interacciones con otros hablantes. More...

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