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15 mai 2016

Lucifer in the Flesh . As a Luciferian from birth, I listened with interest when word of John Boehner’s recent characterization of the Republican candidate Ted Cruz as “Lucifer in the flesh” got out. Apparently, there’s no worse insult. The Internet exploded after Boehner made his comment, accompanied by the apparently tamer “miserable son of a bitch,” at an interview at Stanford University. More...

15 mai 2016

The Versatile Octothorpe . Hashtag. Pound sign. Space. And then there’s the use of the octothorpe to replace the word number, as in “He was #4 in the queue.” How did those little cross-hatched horizontal and vertical lines come to mean so many different things?
Apparently it begins, like so much else, with the Romans, whose abbreviation for libra pondo, or pound weight, was (as it still is) lb, but with a stylized l including a finishing, cursive-like slash across the center, to distinguish it from the number 1. By 1850, bookkeepers had adopted two uses of the octothorpe: If it followed a number, it retained the sense of pounds, but if it preceded a number, it simply indicated number. More...

15 mai 2016

Grammar-Test Dispute Resolution . Once again, the question insisted on a straight correct/incorrect binary choice between present perfect and preterite (exactly as with another such case I was recently asked to adjudicate on; why are test-devisers so intent on this?). I stressed that We respond as if we had been programmed and We respond as if we were programmed are both fully acceptable in the given context. More...

15 mai 2016

Famous Women, Banknotes, and Online Abuse . In Britain you can be jailed for tweets. A defense based on constitutional protections for political speech is out of the question: no written constitution, no Bill of Rights. Online abuse is just menacing behavior, and illegal. More...

15 mai 2016

10 Ways to Make Tech New Again (and Your Soul Shiny) . Will you lose your job to a robot? According to The New York Times a couple of years ago, possibly. And this cute test from Oxford University’s Martin School lets you check whether it’s a real possibility. Read more...

15 mai 2016

The Importance of Reflection When Learning Technical Skills . It’s not hard to find books, websites, or videos that will help you learn just about any technical skill you’d like, from making animated GIFs to X. But even with the most hands-on approach, it can be hard to get that knowledge to stick, or to figure out why you’d want to keep with it. Read more...

15 mai 2016

Challenging Openness & Innovation – Takeaways from #OER16 & #OLCInnovate . I did this crazy thing again of attending two conferences virtually at the same time – I presented at OER16 in Edinburgh in the morning, then was participating in OLCInnovate in New Orleans in the evening. Read more...

15 mai 2016

Early Evidence: The College Scorecard Made a Difference, but Only for Some Groups of Students

By Beckie Supiano. New research finds that the government’s college-comparison tool had an impact, but that it was concentrated among advantaged students. More...

15 mai 2016

When Everyone Goes to College: a Lesson From South Korea

By Karin Fischer. When Daehoon Jho hears American officials, from President Obama on down, say that the education system in the United States ought to be more like South Korea’s, it’s a bit of a head scratcher. More...

15 mai 2016

Colleges Help the Faculty Adapt Teaching for Foreign Students

By Karin Fischer. Even taking small steps, like posting lecture slides online, can help an instructor better connect with international students, say experts. More...

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