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17 juillet 2016

Tim Peake on Brexit: 'I don't want negative effects on UK science' Brexit must not harm science as UK universities receive 10% of research funds from EU, says astronaut. More...

17 juillet 2016

Can't focus? Maybe it's your body clock Your circadian rhythm could hold the key to staying sharp – here are six ways to understand when your brain works best. More...

17 juillet 2016

Student surveys are a waste of everyone's time Anonymous. My students have to answer 25 questionnaires a year and they are sick of it. Here’s a question: why are universities so obsessed with pointless data. More...

17 juillet 2016

Scientist complains to BBC about being misled over Radio 4 interview Dame Anne Glover: ‘If that is what the BBC thinks of as balance then it requires a reassessment of what that terms means. I was thoroughly misled’. More...

17 juillet 2016

Brexit has sparked an identity crisis in UK universities Westwood. The higher education landscape is shifting under our feet: we must stand firm on who we are and what we do. More...

17 juillet 2016

'I don't like where the UK is going' – students share their feelings about Brexit Young people – especially students – overwhelmingly voted to remain in the European Union. So how do they feel now that the country has opted to leave. More...

17 juillet 2016

Frais de scolarité dans l’enseignement supérieur : la délétère tentation du statu quo français

The ConversationPar and . Face aux réactions épidermiques que génère généralement chaque prise de position en faveur ou contre les frais de scolarité dans le supérieur, il convient de rappeler trois faits incontournables pour qui veut réfléchir sérieusement à cette question.
Premièrement, en France, les frais de scolarité existent dans la quasi-totalité des formations supérieures, notamment les universités et les écoles qu’elles soient publiques ou privées.
Deuxièmement, les différences de montant de frais de scolarité entre les formations peuvent être très importantes.
Troisièmement, si le niveau moyen des frais est faible, le système d’aide aux étudiants reste également très limité. Voir l'article...

17 juillet 2016

Higher education pays for itself many times over

The ConversationBy . The relative neglect of higher education investment in political debate is a missed opportunity.
The economic evidence is that not only does higher education build the economy’s skills and knowledge, but that it pays for itself many times over.
On average, university training in Australia has paid a rate of return of around 14-15% according to analysis of 2006 and 2011 census data. University research has delivered an average rate of return of 25%.
In 2014, university graduates added an estimated $140 billion to Australian gross domestic product (GDP), due to higher labour force participation, employment and productivity.
What’s more, education is currently Australia’s fourth largest export. More...

17 juillet 2016

If democratic citizenship is a universal right, how can we so neglect citizenship education?

The ConversationBy . If the notion of democratic citizenship is universal, then citizenship education, as a prerequisite of both political equality and democratic sustainability, should be a universal right. More...

17 juillet 2016

Research fraud: the temptation to lie – and the challenges of regulation

The ConversationBy . Most scientists and medical researchers behave ethically. However, in recent years, the number of high-profile scandals in which researchers have been exposed as having falsified their data raises the issue of how we should deal with research fraud. More...

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