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28 juin 2016

Explainer: crucial Texas case on race considerations in college admissions

The ConversationBy  and . Twelve years ago, after an epic legal battle over the University of Michigan’s affirmative action admissions policy in its law school and undergraduate school, the Supreme Court upheld the importance of student body diversity for the institution’s educational mission and the need to consider race as a factor in admissions. More...
28 juin 2016

Is a tuition-free policy enough to ensure college success?

The ConversationBy  and . Across the U.S., many soon-to-be high school graduates are excited to begin college. Over the past decades, rates of college enrollment have increased. In 1950, only 16 percent of young people had at least some college exposure. By 2012, this figure rose to 63 percent. More...
28 juin 2016

Could a tweet or a text increase college enrollment or student achievement?

The ConversationBy . Can a few text messages, a timely email or a letter increase college enrollment and student achievement? Such “nudges,” designed carefully using behavioral economics, can be effective. More...
28 juin 2016

Brexit: the aftermath for universities and students

The ConversationBy . The UK’s vote to leave the European Union has been met with shock and apprehension by universities, academics and students across the country. University leaders became increasingly worried about the possibility of a Brexit as the poll neared, with three vice-chancellors giving their reasons to remain here on The Conversation. But now, with the result in and Britain destined to leave, what kind of future beckons for Britain’s universities. More...
28 juin 2016

Should ethics professors observe higher standards of behavior?

The ConversationBy . As with most professions, there are no “ethics police” in the professions themselves. We who work in these professions are expected to police ourselves according to our codes of ethics, as is the case, for example, with physicians, lawyers and clergy members. More...
28 juin 2016

Stanford sexual assault: what changed with the survivor’s testimony

The ConversationBy . As the case against Brock Turner, the Stanford swimmer who sexually assaulted a woman when she was unconscious, unfolded in court, his attorneys presented him as a young man whose inexperience with alcohol and desire to fit in with his teammates led to a drunken night of consensual sex. More...
28 juin 2016

Giving students choice in reading helps stem the ‘summer slide’

The ConversationBy . Jack is a six-year-old in first grade at School 36 in Rochester, New York, a city with some of the worst childhood poverty statistics in the nation. Jack has big dreams for his future. Unfortunately, because he is a black boy in Rochester, the odds are stacked against him. The chances that he will finish high school on time are under 10%. More...
28 juin 2016

The truth about for-profit colleges and Trump University

The ConversationBy . Documents released in a federal lawsuit against Trump University have put presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on the defensive. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is now highlighting the fraud that is at the center of the case. More...
28 juin 2016

48 hours as a Muslim American: A professor reflects

The ConversationBy . Last Friday afternoon, before a global audience, former president Bill Clinton (a Christian) and comedian Billy Crystal (a Jew) eulogized “the Greatest,” the most famous Muslim American of all time, Muhammad Ali. More...
28 juin 2016

Are some students more at risk of assault on campuses?

The ConversationBy . When students come to pursue their educational interests, they believe they are entering a safe environment. But while colleges are thought of as “ivory towers,” they can also be places where students could become victims of a crime. More...
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