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24 janvier 2016

Fulfilling Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream: the role for higher education

The ConversationBy , , and . Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote “Why We Can’t Wait” to dispel the notion that African Americans should be content to proceed on an incremental course toward full equality under the law and in the wider society. King observed,

Three hundred years of humiliation, abuse, and deprivation cannot be expected to find voice in a whisper.

Yet waiting and whispering, rather than raising their voices for genuine inclusion, is what many seem to expect of the children and grandchildren of King’s generation even today. More...
24 janvier 2016

Confessions of a MOOC professor: three things I learned and two things I worry about

The ConversationBy . We have heard a lot of talk about MOOCs, or massive online open courses, over the last couple of years. On the plus side, MOOCs often draw enormous enrollments and are easy to sign up for and use; all you need, it seems, is an Internet connection and an interest to learn. More...
24 janvier 2016

At UC San Diego, retired professors are mentoring first-generation college students

The ConversationBy . As a student in the 1950s, I had never heard of the word “mentor.” In retrospect, as a first-generation college student, I would have really been helped by having a “mentor,” especially with regard to choosing a career. More...
24 janvier 2016

Norway, Russia and Luxembourg take the lead for being the cheapest countries in the world to be a student

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « »By Aftab Ali. According to travel money company FAIRFX, Norway has emerged as being the most affordable nation in the world to with an average annual cost of just £2,188 - based on average annual tuition fees and living costs - in relation to the top 200 universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings.
Russia has come second - with a yearly amount of £4,450 - followed by Luxembourg where students will require an average annual amount of £4,739 to get by. More...

24 janvier 2016

Dutch lead European push to flip journals to open access Declan Butler. The Netherlands is leading what it hopes will be a pan-European effort in 2016 to push scholarly publishers towards open-access (OA) business models: making more papers free for all users as soon as they are published. More...

24 janvier 2016

How much does it cost you to register at a South African university?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By Ashleigh Furlong. UCT requires the largest upfront payment of the universities surveyed, with South African students having to fork out R21,500 for tuition (or their full fees if they are lower than this figure) by 5 February. Non-South African students, who do not have permanent residence but pay local fees such as students from a SADC country, must pay an additional R3,275 admin fee. More...

24 janvier 2016

Could the dominance of English harm global scholarship? Matt Pickles. Are we "losing knowledge" because of the growing dominance of English as the language of higher education and research?
Attend any international academic conference and the discussion is likely to be conducted in English. For anyone wanting to share research, English has become the medium for study, writing and teaching. More...

24 janvier 2016

India is top target for online universities Sean Coughlan. India, with its huge education-hungry population, is the prime target of one of the world's biggest online university providers. 
Coursera, with 17 million registered students and free online courses from 140 universities, wants to be part of India's drive to expand access to higher education. More...

24 janvier 2016

International Non-Degree Students: An Audience to Consider

The EvoLLLutionBy Geraldine de Berly - EvoLLLution. At many universities, there are discussions happening debating the elimination of the distinctions between international and domestic students. After all, all newly arriving students on campus need orientation to understand the various resources available on campus (academic, mental, financial, physical, spiritual), the course selection and registration process, and the health protocols. More...

24 janvier 2016

Personalization and Relevance Critical to Success in the International Marketplace

The EvoLLLutionBy David Stremba - EvoLLLution. Administrative bureaucracy can make or break an institution’s competitiveness in the IEP marketplace; a system that is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of international non-credit students can put a university ahead of the game. More...

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