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29 février 2016

Universities working to find jobs for faculty partners

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. It’s half-jokingly referred to as the two-body problem: Two academics in a committed relationship often struggle to find a job within a reasonable commuting distance from each other. More...
29 février 2016

Northwestern University will stay a decade longer in Qatar

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. Northwestern University, one of six prominent U.S. schools with branches in the Persian Gulf nation of Qatar, has reached an agreement to stay there for a second decade. More...
29 février 2016

College psychology classes lack curriculum about disabilities

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. Psychology classes are among the most popular courses on college campuses today, but new research shows that many of them lack important information about the largest single minority group in the U.S. – people with disabilities. More...
29 février 2016

Cengage Learning and Codevolve partner

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. Cengage Learning today announced a partnership with Codevolve, a San Francisco-based edtech company, to integrate Codevolve's computer coding environment into MindTap, Cengage Learning's flagship digital platform. More...
29 février 2016

Putting the hire in higher education

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. When one hears the term higher education, in theory the use of the word “higher” should be a reference to a student gaining higher knowledge, higher skills and higher proficiencies that will ultimately lead them to higher incomes over their working careers. More...
29 février 2016

How a leading Christian college turned against its gay leader

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. I had been a gay Christian blogger for several years when Wheaton College reached out to me in June of 2014. A ministry associate in the Chaplain’s office said they hoped to hire someone to support sexual minorities on campus. More...
29 février 2016

Massasoit Community College partners with EiQ Networks

University Business LogoBy Stefanie Botelho. EiQ Networks, a pioneer in hybrid SaaS security and continuous security intelligence services, today announced that Massasoit Community Collegehas selected its SOCVue hybrid SaaS security service. More...
29 février 2016

Making college students think before they drink

University Business LogoBy C. Kevin Synnott. How many alcoholic drinks do you think the typical female or male college student consumes each week? Clarifying misperceptions may result in fewer alcohol-related problems on our campuses. More...
29 février 2016

From racial tensions to campus action items

University Business LogoBy Matt Zalaznick. Lack of diversity among faculty and administrators compounded the racial tensions that drove a wave of student protests—and a handful of high-level resignations—on campuses across the U.S. in the fall of 2015. More...
29 février 2016

Buy VoIP and they will come?

University Business LogoBy Jared D. Padgett. Providers’ advice on easing the transition to a new IP-based phone system. More...
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