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21 octobre 2013

Moodle MOOC 2: Habits of Effective Connected Learners of Effective Connected Learners by Stephen Downes
Working and learning in an online environment is fundamentally different from working and learning in a physical environment. It becomes much more important to make connections and leverage the store of knowledge at your disposal. Relations between people depend more on cooperation and less on collaboration. Information that was valuable only when withheld is now valuable only when shared. Marketing gives way to meaning. In this presentation, Stephen Downes reviews the habits he has cultivated to thrive as a learner and researcher online, providing practical advice from network theory and a lifetime of experience.
Stephen Downes works for the National Research Council of Canada where he has served as a Senior Researcher, based in Moncton, New Brunswick, since 2001. Affiliated with the Learning and Collaborative Technologies Group, Institute for Information Technology, Downes specializes in the fields of online learning, new media, pedagogy and philosophy.
Downes is perhaps best known for his daily newsletter, OLDaily, which is distributed by web, email and RSS to thousands of subscribers around the world, and as the originator of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). He is a popular speaker, appearing at hundreds of events around the world over the last fifteen years. He has published hundreds of articles both online and in print through two decades of research and development into learning networks and related technologies. More...

21 octobre 2013

Students lacking 'real life' experience, warns Willetts . Many students are ill-prepared for the world of work because degrees such as science and engineering are being “delivered on paper” without real life experience, the Universities Minister has warned.
Courses in practical subjects are often too theoretical and appear to have “lost touch with the reality of modern business”, according to David Willetts.
In an interview with the Telegraph, he outlined radical plans designed to raise standards in core disciplines such as science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) that are seen as vital to the economic recovery. More...

21 octobre 2013

Warning over sharp drop in number of part-time students . The number of students taking part-time courses at British universities has plummeted by a more than 100,000 in just two years, according to research.
Figures show a 40 per cent drop in candidates studying while holding down a job or balancing family commitments, it emerged.
The study by Universities UK, the vice-chancellors’ group, warned that students were being driven away from part-time courses because of a "perfect storm" of pressure on household budgets during the financial crisis combined with a rise in tuition fees. More...

21 octobre 2013

19000ème article sur le blog / Student life: the benefits of studying outside London Billy Sexton. Studying in London isn’t the be all and end all of student life. There are just as many benefits to studying in a smaller city, says undergraduate Billy Sexton.
London – the financial centre of the UK and the desired destination for many university graduates who care little for steep rent and commuting costs.
A move to the capital will undoubtedly cross the minds of most students while they’re studying at university, which is hardly surprising given that London has the highest proportion of graduate recruitment vacancies at 42.4% of the job market, according to the Association of Graduate Recruiters. More...
Les autres repères du blog:
18500ème article sur le blog/Service public de l'orientation,
18000ème article sur le blog/En juillet, la professionnalisation en nette progression, l'apprentissage en légère baisse,
17500ème article sur le blog/Conventionnements et contrat de formation,
17000ème article sur le blog/Le plan de formation - Ile-de-France,

16500ème article sur le blog/Les nouveaux défis de la pédagogie,
16000ème article sur le blog/Une formation qualifiante différée pour les jeunes non diplômés,
15500ème article sur le blog/Signature de cinq accords,
15000ème article sur le blog/Financez votre formation,
14500ème article sur le blog/Votre service public régional d'information sur l'emploi et la formation,
14000ème article sur le blog/Observatoire VAE,
13500ème article sur le blog/La Sorbonne université d’élite et de masse,
13000ème article sur le blog/Booster son parcours universitaire grâce à un stage,
12500ème article sur le blog/La disparition brutale de Vincent MERLE,
12000ème article sur le blog/Correspondant Informatique et Libertés (CIL),
11500ème article sur le blog/Enquête nationale sur les Conditions de vie des étudiants,
11000ème article sur le blog
/Conférence européenne des Experts de Bologne,
10500ème article sur le blog/Futur centre universitaire Fernando Pessoa dans l'Hérault,
10000ème article sur le blog/Organisme de formation,
9500ème article sur le blog/Un crédit d'impôt innovation pour les PME,
9000ème article sur le blog/La VAE dans les ministères certificateurs en 2011,
8500ème article sur le blog
/Cahier n°3 Enseignement supérieur du CESER,
8000ème article sur le blog/La VAE à l’Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli,

7500ème article sur le blog
Les enjeux de la qualité au sein de l’ESS,

7000ème article sur le blog
Osez l'Université dans l'un de ses 31 CFA,

6500ème article sur le blog
6000ème article sur le blog/L'Association ASSPRO,
5500ème article sur le blog/Apprentissage le guide régional,
5000ème article sur le blog
/La formation continue des adultes dans le supérieur
4500ème article sur le blog
/40 ans de formation professionnelle,

4000ème article sur le blog
/Les chiffres 2010 de la VAE à La Réunion,
3500ème article sur le blog
/La VAE en Poitou-Charente en 2010,
3000ème article sur le blog/Contrats apprentissage et pro,
2500ème article sur le blog
/Journées Nationales des MDE et des PLIE,
2000ème article sur le blog
/Question Formation n°1,
1500ème article sur le blog/Seniors - le groupe SPB signe son accord,
1000ème article sur le blog
/Fête de la musique dans les jardins du MESR,
500ème article sur le blog/L'archipel de l'ingénierie de formation,
1er article sur le blog/Un forum de la Commission européenne pour promouvoir la coopération entre l’université et le monde des affaires.

21 octobre 2013

Universities 'cutting entry requirements' for poor students . Top universities are secretly admitting poor students with lower entry grades amid growing political pressure to boost access to higher education, a report has suggested.
Rising numbers of institutions are cutting entry requirements at the last minute to allow students who “miss their target grades” to get a place, it emerged.
Researchers found that only a minority of universities make lower “upfront” offers to teenagers from deprived backgrounds in advance, instead choosing to “reassess” these students if they fall short of entry grades after A-level results are published. More...

21 octobre 2013

How can universities support students to work harder?

Times Higher EducationBy Edward Acton. A new generation of ‘dual-intensive’ universities can do the job, argues Edward Acton. How many people actually work at the Bank of England?” went the question when I was a trainee there in the 1970s, the answer being: “About half.” That jibe has often run through my mind as evidence has mounted of a sharp decline in the academic effort required of UK undergraduates. Read more...
21 octobre 2013

EU exit would leave UK universities ‘in thrall to US model’

Times Higher EducationBy . If the UK were to leave the European Union, the nation’s universities would be left in even greater “ideological thrall” to the US. That is the argument set out by Sir Peter Scott, professor of education studies at the Institute of Education, University of London, in his contribution to a series of essays on the implications that leaving the EU would have for the UK. Read more...
21 octobre 2013

Push for paid: a student guide to internships . Internships can be great opportunities for students, but they can also be exploitative. Here's how to land a good internship that will give you vital experience and could help you get a job. Having experience of the working world is essential for getting a job, and students are encouraged to get these skills by interning as much as possible. Over 50% of employers say they wouldn't give a job to a graduate with no experience, revealed a 2013 report. More...

21 octobre 2013

The modern languages grading issue is only the tip of the iceberg Robert Vanderplank. Lenient grading at GCSE, curriculum content and teaching methodologies are all also to blame for the decline of language students. More...

20 octobre 2013

Number of part-time students plummets after 'perfect storm' Guardian. Tuition fee hike, tough economic climate and pressures on employers among factors blamed by report for 40% drop in numbers. The number of people choosing to study part time in England has plummeted by 40% in the past two years – the equivalent of 105,000 fewer students, according to a study published on Wednesday. More...

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