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19 août 2015

Un giorno nella Pompei antica

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Ci sono molti modi per trascorrere un giorno nell’antica Pompei. Uno di essi consiste nel seguire le tracce dei suoi abitanti attraverso le celebri “scritture di strada”. Eva Cantarella ci accompagna in questo percorso alla scoperta di nuove visioni. More...

19 août 2015

Talks about working in fashion media

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Fashion journalist and author Maia Adams talks about her career path and contributing to fashion and lifestyle articles to publications including British Vogue, Elle, The Guardian, The Sunday Times Travel Magazine and Wallpaper*. Based in London, Maia is also co-founder of jewellery trends agency, Adorn Insight. More...

19 août 2015

Basics of i Stop Motion

Résultat de recherche d'images pour This is how you make a basic I stop motion movie. The images below show the process of building up the individual frame. Clay animation workshop from englishplusFilm on Vimeo. More...

19 août 2015

Life on the Syrian Border // Photographer Anders Birger describes experiencing the edge of conflict

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Danish photographer and London College of Communication Alumni Anders Birger has travelled extensively in Syria since uprisings began there in 2011, documenting life in the now civil war-torn country. More...

19 août 2015

Värviõpetuse teooria

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Selle eesmärgiks on võimaldada värviteooria põhiteadmiste ja värvikujunduse põhioskuste omandamist. Õppematerjal katab Trükitehnoloogia eriala riikliku õppekava õppeaines Värviõpetuse teooria. More...

19 août 2015


Résultat de recherche d'images pour Interjöörifoto kursus on mõeldud kõigile fotohuvilistele, kes soovivad tegeleda interiöörifotograafiaga. Kursusel käsitletakse interjöörifoto analüüsi, kasutatavat fototehnikat ja praktilist pildistamist. More...

19 août 2015

Faculty of architecture and fine art guest lectures

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The Faculty of architecture and fine art at NTNU arranges guest lectures for their architect students. Topics varies from semester to semester. More...

19 août 2015


Résultat de recherche d'images pour UCrea ofrece acceso electrónico a los documentos generados por miembros de la UC en su actividad académica, de aprendizaje o de investigación. More...

19 août 2015


Résultat de recherche d'images pour Skillage assesses your understanding of ICT in an employment setting. Each question has a number of possible answers that will explore a particular ICT skill. Some have straight answers, but some will make you think a bit. You might even disagree with some of the answers, but its designed to make you think about each topic, and consider if you really know how to do it. More...

19 août 2015

UCD Resources- Literature

Résultat de recherche d'images pour An aggregated listing of all the texts that appear in each section or module and external links to relevant literary catalogs and databases. More...

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