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5 septembre 2015

Understanding & Preventing Plagiarism Strategies & Resources for Students and Teachers

Students, particularly those in college, are expected to adhere to rigorous codes of conduct that stress academic integrity, including prohibitions against plagiarism. Steering clear of plagiarism, however, can be more difficult than it seems and the consequences can be severe. Fortunately, it’s a problem educators are devoting quite a bit of energy to, and there are new resources available to help students avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism. Read on to learn about practical preventative measures. More...

5 septembre 2015

Opportunities for U.S.-Iran Higher Education Cooperation (2015)

Institute of International EducationThe warming of diplomatic relations with Iran marks the beginning of a new era of potential cooperation between higher education institutions in the United States and Iran. After decades of limited academic ties, institutions in both countries are eager to renew relationships and initiate new ones. The Institute of International Education is supporting increased U.S.-Iran academic cooperation by launching the IIE Iran Higher Education Initiative, which includes this white paper, a series of national conference calls, workshops, and a delegation to Iran in June 2015. This briefing paper provides an overview of the potential areas where institutions in the United States and Iran might initiate new linkages and includes an FAQ section on current OFAC regulations. More...

5 septembre 2015

Measuring Innovation - A Discussion of Innovation Indicators at the National Level

The present analysis, contracted on behalf of the Secretariat of the Swiss Science and Innovation Council, discusses measures of innovation based on three well-known rankings: the Global Innovation Index, the Innovation Union Scorecard, and the Knowledge Economy Index. It examines some basic characteristics of these indexes, including the only partial reflection of the latest developments or of country-specific aspects, the great difficulty of obtaining comparable data, and the lack of information about causal connections between input and output data. Bibliometric data, the number of tertiary degrees by age group, and patent statistics, whose respective limitations are discussed, are among the indicators widely used to create the various indexes. More...

5 septembre 2015

Review of Research Policy and Funding Arrangements

As part of its Boosting the Commercial Returns from Research strategy, the Government has committed to an Agenda for Action that includes a range of actions to enhance the contribution of research in universities and industry to building Australia’s capacity for innovation, productivity and growth, including:

  • the development of simpler, more transparent research block grant arrangements which continue to focus on quality and excellence, support greater industry and end-user engagement, and better knowledge transfer with industry,
  • working with the Australian Research Council and the National Health and Medical Research Council to ensure rules for competitive grants appropriately recognise industry-relevant expertise or research,
  • ensuring that dealing with intellectual property facilitates research-industry collaboration and the commercialisation of ideas,
  • improving the assessment of the research system such as improved metrics on engagement and knowledge transfer with industry, research outcomes, and impact, and
  • commissioning a review of research training arrangements by the Australian Council of Learned Academies to ensure that it meets Australia’s research needs in the 21st century.

Maximising the economic and social benefits from research requires a strong research base, built through an effective network of research institutions, able to access world-class researchers delivering quality research and research infrastructure. More...

5 septembre 2015

Entrepreneurship skills: literature and policy review

Report examining entrepreneurship skills and the policy options for promoting their development among small businesses.
Entrepreneurship skills: literature and policy review - BIS research paper number 236.
Recent research highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship skills to small business performance. We commissioned Hull University to examine in more detail what these skills are and the options available for promoting their development within the small business population. More...

5 septembre 2015

UREQA final event: Empowering universities to fulfil their responsibilities for quality assurance

Since 2012 EUA has been coordinating the EUREQA project ("Empowering universities to fulfil their responsibilities for quality assurance"). This event marks the culmination of three years of capacity building activities. During this time, EUA and EU project partners have supported universities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo in developing their internal QA systems in a way that is adapted to different national and institutional contexts. Together with the launch of the project publication "EUREQA Moments! Top tips for quality assurance", the event will present the lessons learnt over the past three years and share examples of good practice in developing internal quality assurance. Participants will also have an opportunity to hear the findings of a new EUA occasional paper, which will give an insight into current trends in internal QA in Europe, particularly in relation to the revised ESG. More...

5 septembre 2015

Using Comparative Information to Improve Student Success

HomeThe Aspen Prize process strives to respect the vital diversity of community colleges while prioritizing the most important markers of success - student learning, certificate and degree completion, high rates of employment and earnings for graduates, and high levels of access and success for minority and low-income students. To support community colleges in their efforts to assess student outcomes in comparison to outcomes at other institutions, Aspen published this practice guide for community college leaders and practitioners.
Download Publication. More...

5 septembre 2015

Quantifier l'influence totale de la famille d'origine sur le devenir scolaire et professionnel des individus

Institut national de la statistique et des études économiquesPar Béatrice Boutchenik, Clotilde Coron, Sébastien Grobon, Céline Goffette et Louis-André Vallet. Les travaux visant à mesurer l'influence familiale sur les parcours scolaires et professionnels reposent principalement sur des données relatives à un individu et ses ascendants. Celles-ci réduisent l'influence du milieu familial à l'effet des caractéristiques mesurées dans les enquêtes, tels le diplôme et la profession de chacun des deux parents. La part de variance expliquée par ces variables fournit une estimation basse et biaisée de l'influence de la famille d'origine, réduite à ces seules variables explicatives : elle ignore l'impact éventuel des aspects familiaux inobservés ou inobservables. Cet article s'affranchit de cette limite en s'inscrivant dans la tradition des modèles de fratrie (sibling models).
Télécharger le document. Voir l'article...

5 septembre 2015

Bilan énergétique de la France pour 2014

Retour à l'accueil - Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement Durable et de l'ÉnergieEn 2014, l’activité économique mondiale a augmenté au même rythme qu’en 2013 (+ 3,4 %).
Dans ce contexte, la demande mondiale de pétrole a augmenté mais de façon ralentie (+ 0,7 %, soit deux fois moins que les deux années précédentes). Elle est portée par les besoins des pays émergents, la demande des pays développés ayant fortement diminué. L’offre a au contraire bondi de 2,3 % par rapport à 2013, et est supérieure à la demande mondiale d’un million de barils par jour en 2014. Ce surplus a entraîné les cours internationaux à la baisse. Le prix du baril de Brent daté a reculé de près de 9 % par rapport à 2013, passant sous la barre symbolique des 100 dollars en moyenne sur l’année 2014. En Europe, les prix des autres énergies ont tous diminué en 2014. Ainsi, le prix de référence à Londres du gaz naturel a baissé de 23 %, après quatre années de hausse. Celui de l’électricité sur la principale place boursière européenne s’est replié de près de 20 %. Pour le charbon enfin, le marché mondial est également resté excédentaire, entraînant une baisse des prix de 8 % sur le principal marché spot européen.
Conséquence de ce repli des prix internationaux et européens, les prix à la consommation de l’énergie ont diminué en France (- 0,9 %), pour la première fois depuis la crise économique et financière de 2009.
Télécharger le bilan énergétique de la France pour 2014. More...

5 septembre 2015

Connecting Education and Labor Market Data

HomeThe National Governors Association and the NGA Center for Best Practices produced this report, "Tracking Graduates into the Workforce: Connecting Education and Labor Market Data." The report provides a list of questions that governors should ask when examining the effectiveness of their states' postsecondary education and training programs, and highlights three practices that draw on education and workforce data to help answer those questions. More...

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