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29 mars 2015

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Créée en 1970, l'Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 est issue de l'ancienne faculté des lettres de l'Université de Paris.
Située au coeur du Quartier Latin et plus largement dans le 5e arrondissement de Paris, la Sorbonne Nouvelle propose des formations pluridisciplinaires de haut niveau dans les domaines suivants :
Sciences Humaines et Sociales
Link to Website. More...

29 mars 2015

The Global Labour University (GLU)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "open education europa"The Global Labour University (GLU) is a network of trade unions, universities and the ILO (International Labour Organisation) to deliver high-level qualification programmes. It offers Masters Courses in four different countries on trade unions, sustainable development, social justice, international labour standards, multinational companies, economic policies and global institutions and promotes research cooperation on global labour issues. More...

29 mars 2015

PhD ‘overproduction’ is not new and faculty retirements won’t solve it

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "universityaffairs"By Melonie Fullick. The wave of upcoming retirements is a myth and PhD numbers have little to do with the academic job market anyway.
In my last post I took a look at some of the history and context of Canadian universities’ hiring of contract faculty. More...

29 mars 2015

The hidden costs of success are too high for low-income students

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "universityaffairs"By Alyssia Fogarty. There’s a price to pay to attend university; there’s another to pay to succeed once we’re in.
University is expensive. Rising tuition rates, the cost of living independently, textbooks, health plans, bus passes and meals all quickly add up. There’s a hefty price tag on education that everyone can see and everyone is talking about. More...

29 mars 2015

Scholars-at-risk program comes to Carleton and U of Ottawa

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "universityaffairs"By Natalie Samson. Scholars who feared for their lives in their home country have a chance to resume their careers.
This coming fall, Carleton University and the University of Ottawa will be home to Canada’s first jointly hosted Scholars at Risk program. The Scholars at Risk (or SAR) network connects postsecondary institutions worldwide that harbour and support scholars whose work has placed them in danger. More...

29 mars 2015

ExplorEdu - a system of open and available web services and mobile applications for automatic identification of OER

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "open education europa"ExplorEdu is a system of freely available web services and mobile applications for automatic identification, capture, enrichment, editing, in-depth analysis and intelligent use of freely available educational resources, existing web and mobile educational services, studies and results of research projects, lesson plans, rules and legislation in Slovenia, Europe and the world. More...

29 mars 2015

Academic misconduct ‘likely’ on the rise in Canada

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Gillis. Universities with up-to-date policies and education campaigns are on the right track to reduce cheating, but they can do more, researcher says.
Ten years after they completed Canada’s first, large-scale survey about academic cheating, two researchers are poised to release a follow-up study that shows cheating has likely increased and become more sophisticated. More...

29 mars 2015


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "open education europa"Language literacy is an essential life skill for the 21st century. It is a fact that learning a foreign language is a good way to improve brain function and acquire social skills.
Moreover it is an effective way to explore other languages and cultures in order to obtain a professional advantage in labour market. These are some of the reasons why multilingualism was and continues to be one of the cornerstones of EU projects. According to the European Union, ”one of the specific objectives pursued by the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of education and training is to improve the teaching and learning of languages and to promote the EU’s broad linguistic diversity and intercultural awareness”. More...

29 mars 2015

OER uptake in adult education institutions

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "open education europa"The OERup! project takes up the need to promote and foster the successful implementation of OER (Open Educational Resources) and OEPs (Open Educational Practices) in adult education in Europe in order to widen participation in Open Education. More...

29 mars 2015

Comment faire un commentaire de texte ?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "open education europa"Lire une carte, ce n'est ni s'orienter grâce à un plan, ni regarder une photo, c’est comprendre ce qu’elle veut dire ! C’est bien pour cela que l’on dit “lire” et non pas “regarder” : il faut connaître son langage et la décoder.
View the course. More...


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