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5 mai 2015

Lille, le pire et le meilleur

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Sacrée météo pour les universités et les établissements du supérieur dans le Nord Pas-de-Calais. La semaine a commencé par un temps pluvieux. Le fonds de roulement de l’université d’Artois va être mobilisé à hauteur de 24,238 millions d’euros en 2015 ; à elle seule, l’université va fournir le 1/4 des fonds de roulement ponctionnés sur l’ensemble des établissements. Suite...

5 mai 2015

Avoiding Sweet Briar: Five Tips to Help Institutions Become More Nimble

The EvoLLLutionBy - EvoLLLution. Sweet Briar College, a century-old (and then some!) women’s college, recently closed its doors, citing declining enrollment and financial woes. Their challenges included an $84 million endowment that was highly encumbered. A task force explored ideas to save the college—including merging with another institution and opening the college to male students—but these recommendations arrived too late and Sweet Briar College, like many other colleges in recent years, came to an end. More...

4 mai 2015

Intra-Institutional Collaboration to Improve Adult Accessibility

The EvoLLLutionBy - EvoLLLution. In February, the University of Wisconsin-Madison launched Advance Your Career, a one-stop portal that provides working adults with information about flexible and online for-credit programs and courses offered across the campus. A project requiring a significant amount of collaboration and commitment to innovation, the portal has been hugely successful since launching and is creating postsecondary accessibility for working professionals. More...

4 mai 2015

The “Wicked” Problem of Transforming Higher Education

The EvoLLLutionBy - EvoLLLution. We have all read, heard, and expressed our own views about the growing misalignment between the current resilient (STEM) higher education system and contemporary needs. We have also all undertaken initiatives to reform, innovate and adapt to the demands of our external stakeholders. Yet, the problem in meeting those expectations has proved deep-seated, persistent and immune to our efforts. More...

4 mai 2015

Greater Student Understanding Central to Overcoming Challenges Facing Graduate Education

The EvoLLLutionBy - EvoLLLution. The topic of the “disruption” of higher education permeates boardrooms, legislative chambers and the popular press. Disruption comes in many forms, from lean principles to efficiency to performance-based funding to unbundling of faculty roles and the curriculum, and the list goes on. Most of this discussion centers on the undergraduate experience. More...

4 mai 2015

Reflecting On 125 Years and Anticipating the Next 125

The EvoLLLutionBy - EvoLLLution. Milestones are something to be appreciated. They offer the opportunity to pause, reflect, change course when necessary, and visibly compare and contrast progress. In the case of Post University, recognizing our milestones has allowed us to prosper and evolve. As president of Post University, I have the distinct honor of shepherding a highly innovative educational organization, if only for a short snapshot in its evolutionary history. More...

4 mai 2015

The Stairway to Harmony: Four Steps to Improved Faculty-Administration Relations

The EvoLLLutionBy - EvoLLLution. At no time since the advent of the printed book has teaching style and educational delivery been so compelled by outside forces to change. Pressure is not only coming from the myriad technologies assailing society, but there is also increased global competition fueled by rankings. Higher education financing is a mess of student loans and withering budgets in both public and private sectors. More...

4 mai 2015

Continuing Education Hits the Ice

The EvoLLLutionBy - EvoLLLution. Successful teams need to have a game plan, strong leadership, committed talent, effective coaching, and the ability to anticipate and respond quickly to what is taking place around you.  The lessons from hockey provide some insights as to what it may take for continuing education units to succeed in the dynamic, market-driven (but university-controlled) landscape in which we play our game. More...

4 mai 2015

Colloque CPU-Athena - Discours de Najat Vallaud-Belkacem

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem s'est exprimée en ouverture du colloque Colloque C.P.U.-ATHENA sur les défis qui se posent pour le monde de la recherche dans la période de l’après-Charlie "Intégrisme et terrorisme" lundi 4 mai 2015 à l'Assemblée Nationale.
Je remercie d’ores et déjà les établissements d’enseignement supérieur qui, conscients de leur responsabilité sociale, se joignent depuis janvier à la mobilisation pour renforcer le lien social au sein de leurs établissements et favoriser l’accès aux études des publics susceptibles de représenter des proies faciles pour les mouvements de radicalisation.
Cela nous aidera aussi à encourager des recherches dans ces domaines prioritaires dans différentes instances comme l’Institut Universitaire de France ou à définir, avec le réseau français des instituts d’études avancées, une politique de recrutement de chercheurs étrangers invités permettant de réunir un panel aussi large que possible d’expertises internationales.
Je compte solliciter l’A.N.R. pour que dans son prochain programme annuel, les questions abordées par le colloque, notamment celles relatives aux processus de radicalisation apparaissent plus clairement et pour que le soutien de l’A.N.R. soit explicitement orienté vers l’encouragement à la synergie des équipes et à l’approche pluri et inter disciplinaire. Vraiment, j’insiste sur ce message : faute de structuration de la recherche dans ce domaine, les appels à projets ne peuvent que donner des résultats décevants. Cet enjeu de structuration est donc majeur.
L’après-Charlie doit provoquer un engagement de chacun à se mobiliser.
L’après-Charlie peut marquer le début de formes inédites de rassemblement des forces de pensée et d’action dont les sciences humaines et sociales que vous représentez  pourraient être le moteur.
Je vous remercie de votre attention et vous souhaite un excellent et fructueux colloque. Voir l'article...

4 mai 2015

Pitchbook Lists Most Valuable Ed Tech Companies

By Phil Hill. Pitchbook – a database service for M&A, private equity and venture capital – listed in Hot Topics what they saw as the top ten most valuable ed tech companies based on public valuations[1]. The definition of startup is a little loose, as one company (D2L) was founded in 1999 and public companies are excluded. More...

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