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10 mai 2015

STEM Skills and Canada’s Economic Productivity has one of the most highly trained workforces in the world. The skills and abilities of Canadians have played a key part in ensuring that Canada has one of the highest standards of living. Maintaining and developing Canada’s strength in this regard is a central pillar for future prosperity. Rapid technological advances, complex social and health issues and dynamic global markets require that the Canadian workforce has the right balance of skills to take advantage of emerging opportunities, challenges, and innovations.
In an effort to obtain the latest evidence on the subject, Employment and Social Development Canada asked the Council of Canadian Academies to assess Canada’s preparedness in meeting the future skill requirements for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Some Assembly Required: STEM Skills and Canada’s Economic Productivity covers a broad area of issues such as: the relationships among STEM skills and innovation, productivity, and growth; whether Canada has a shortage or surplus of STEM graduates; what future demand for STEM skills in Canada could be; considerations for developing a STEM-literate society; the role of post-secondary education, and immigration and the global market. More...

10 mai 2015

New Commons still has high proportion of Russell Group graduates

By Times Higher Education Staff. Nine out of ten new MPs in the House of Commons are graduates and 26 per cent hold an Oxbridge degree.
The figures, from the Sutton Trust, also show 28 per cent went to another Russell Group university. More...

10 mai 2015

Universities UK to ramp up EU campaign

By . University leaders say they will ramp up their campaign to keep the UK in the European Union after re-elected Prime Minister David Cameron confirmed plans to hold an in-out referendum by 2017. More...

10 mai 2015

Languages decline ‘puts Oxbridge success rate up’

By Kaye Wiggins. A shortage of students taking languages at A level means that some have a 50 per cent chance of getting a place to study at Oxbridge, it has emerged. More...

10 mai 2015

Tory triumph sets universities on road to EU referendum

By . The Conservatives have secured a majority after standing on a platform to seek an EU referendum and further tighten immigration rules, which could impact on universities. More...

10 mai 2015

Mooc test agreement between FutureLearn and Pearson

By . The UK massive open online course platform FutureLearn has signed an agreement with the proctored examination provider Pearson VUE. More...

10 mai 2015

How not to reform the humanities

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Paul Forster. Broadening the role of humanities education is laudable. How we get there is another matter.
A recent white paper on the future of graduate training in the humanities in Canada (December 2013) recommends reorienting some PhD programs away from traditional thesis projects and towards research that is “applied,” interdisciplinary, team-based and more varied in format than work currently being done. The authors, who are members of the Social Science and Humanities Research Council’s knowledge synthesis project on the future of humanities graduate training, rely on questionable assumptions, overlook alternative solutions to problems and draw unsubstantiated conclusions. More...

10 mai 2015

Meet UBC’s digital storyteller

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Natalie Samson. The move toward more sophisticated digital storytelling in the field of higher education communications is opening up new career opportunities. In 2013, the University of British Columbia hired Margaret Doyle for the new position of digital storyteller in the marketing department to help reorient the institution’s web communications toward what she calls a more “story-centric” approach. More...

10 mai 2015

Building on the accelerator model – unmet needs

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Jonathan Thon. To read the previous articles in this series please visit the links below:

While some accelerators do a better job than others, my experiences in the programs described have also highlighted key areas of unmet need. More...

10 mai 2015

Enquête Besoins en Main d'Oeuvre 2015

C2R Bourgogne : Travail Emploi Formation en BourgognePôle emploi publie les résultats de son enquête sur les Besoins en Main d'oeuvre (BMO) pour 2015. L'enquête fait état d'une hausse de 2,3% du nombre de projets de recrutement dans les 405 bassins d'emploi français (métropole et DOM). Le secteur des services concentre, à lui seul, 64,4% des projets de recrutement, en hausse de 3,4%. Le commerce voit ses perspectives d'embauche progresser (+7,2) par rapport à 2014, avec 1 2,1% des projets en 2015. L'industrie avec 8,2% des intentions d'embauche affiche également une hausse (4,3%).Tandis que le secteur de la construction est en baisse de 16,6% par rapport à 2014.
Pour en savoir plus sur l'enquête :
Pour accéder aux bases de données des résultats : Voir l'article...

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