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6 août 2015

Release of ASU Case Study on e-Literate TV

By Phil Hill and . Today we are thrilled to release the third case study in our new e-Literate TV series on “personalized learning”. In this series, we examine how that term, which is heavily marketed but poorly defined, is implemented on the ground at a variety of colleges and universities. Read more...

6 août 2015

UF Online and Enrollment Warning Signs

By Phil Hill. The University of Florida Online (UF Online) program is one of the highest profile online initiatives to be started over the past few years (alongside other public institution programs such as California’s Online Education Initiative, OpenSUNY, Cal State Online, and Georgia Tech / Udacity). Read more...
6 août 2015

Worth Considering: Faculty perspective on student-centered pacing

By Phil Hill. Over the weekend I wrote a post based on the comment thread at Friday’s Chronicle article on e-Literate TV.

One key theme coming through from comments at the Chronicle is what I perceive as an unhealthy cynicism that prevents many people from listening to students and faculty on the front lines (the ones taking redesigned courses) on their own merits.

Sunday’s post highlighted two segments of students describing their experiences with re-designed courses, but we also need to hear directly from faculty. Read more...
6 août 2015

#aha_project discovering the Grit Scale #plog

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Give Jay Cross some time and surely he will come up with something new and exciting, e.g. informal learning, and now an ebook on DIY-learning. It is a mental joy to read! The book offers an array of actions (evidence-based) that a knowledge worker - or any power learner - can undertake in order to improve their own learning. Later on these actions offer a great set of tools to implement in your own corporate learning environment. Read more...
6 août 2015

Inkle making multiple interactive narrations simple #storyboard

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Since the dawn of eLearning, interactivity was a key concept. With interaction defining an action undertaken by the learner, as well as feedback provided by either humans or/and machines. No learning without going out into the real world, and experience feedback ... which is how we learn from our first days on this beautiful blue planet. Read more...
6 août 2015

Taking up #blimage challenge: airports, legal papers, cultures and art

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Two people full of creative inspiration, namely Amy Burvall (@amyburvall) and Simon Ensor (@sensor63), pushed Steve Wheeler (@timbuckteeth) reflective capacities while sending him the #blimage challenge. From Steve Wheeler the challenge leaped over to the inspirational David Hopkins who wrote up a bloppost and sent the #blimage challenge my way, and right about the same time an additional picture came for the same challenge, sent by Whitney Kilgore (@whitneykilgore)... action was needed!
Multiple people have taken up this new challenge and Simon Ensor has made a wonderful Pinterest Blimage board, providing an overview of most #blimage messages and posts. It is now turning into an informal relay challenge connecting educators from everywhere... nice. Read more...
6 août 2015

Blogphilosophy: age and learning, my son and I

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Learning comes natural, and happens on a daily basis.As soon as the learning gene is put inside of us, we learn. We have to. We learn on our own, from non-living objects, in collaboration with all there is in the world, with all that interests our senses. And at every moment, it is the change that we feel or think we feel which we call learning. As such it is never the content which makes the difference, but the change that is taking place due to stimuli from within and/or from the outside. Read more...
6 août 2015

Looking for a full-time #PhD option in UK, act now for the Wild card!

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. If you are in that phase in your life, where you think "I want something else... I would love to engage in a satisfying, cognitive experience where at the end I might get an Internationally acclaimed PhD ... then get cracking now!". If you have an interest in Open Educational Resources (OER), Learning Analytics and/or Technology Enhanced Learning (MOOC, mobile learning, online education), this is you potential golden card, as it is now officially a Wild card, as the last of the Leverhulme Doctoral Full-time scholarships is now up for grabs. Read more...
6 août 2015

Kann ich auch neben dem Job studieren? . Studenten berichten von ihrem berufsbegleitenden Master.
"Der Master passt zu meinem Beruf und meinen privaten Interessen"
"Nach meinem Bachelor in Public Management war ich erst mal froh, einen Job gefunden zu haben. Nach einiger Zeit kamen mir Zweifel: Den Gedanken, dass meine akademische Laufbahn mit Anfang 20 schon beendet sein sollte, fand ich schrecklich". Mehr...

6 août 2015

Habe ich mich falsch entschieden? . Fünf Fragen, die man sich stellen sollte, bevor man das Masterstudium abbricht.
1. Liegt es wirklich am Studiengang?
Bevor man das Studium abbricht, sollte man sich fragen, ob wirklich das Fach der Grund für die Unzufriedenheit ist oder ob es die äußeren Rahmenbedingungen sind. Mehr...

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