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6 septembre 2015

Will free college lead to more degrees?

By . In August, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton announced her plan to reduce the cost of higher education. Following on the heels of President Obama’s January 2015 proposal to make community college free, a key component of Clinton’s plan is to improve higher education access and affordability by reducing the amount of tuition paid by students who attend public colleges and universities. More...

6 septembre 2015

The dangerous separation of the American upper middle class

The American upper middle class is separating, slowly but surely, from the rest of society. This separation is most obvious in terms of income—where the top fifth have been prospering while the majority lags behind. But the separation is not just economic. Gaps are growing on a whole range of dimensions, including family structure, education, lifestyle, and geography. Indeed, these dimensions of advantage appear to be clustering more tightly together, each thereby amplifying the effect of the other. More...

6 septembre 2015

Nouvelle rubrique sur Euroguidance France : Etudier hors Europe


Sur le site Euroguidance France une nouvelle rubrique vient d`être mise en place "Etudier hors Europe" : Etudier aux Etats-Unis, Etudier en Russie, connaître les principaux accords institutionnels.
Vous envisagez de partir étudier ou travailler à l’étranger ? Découvrez les aides sur

6 septembre 2015

Comprendre les politiques de l’Union européenne — Éducation, formation, jeunesse et sport

Numero_VertLa brochure "Education, Formation, Jeunesse et Sport", collection Comprendre les politiques de l`UE : un point sur les réponses de l`Union Européenne en matière d`investissement dans l`éducation et la formation est mise en ligne
Cette présente brochure fait partie d’une série destinée à présenter le travail de l’UE dans ses différents domaines de compétence, les raisons qui la guident et les résultats obtenus.
Vous envisagez de partir étudier ou travailler à l’étranger ? Découvrez les aides sur

6 septembre 2015

Universities cramming as they top up student numbers Scott could have gone further in his comparison of Cambridge over Coketown (Education, 1 September) by retailing what is now happening in what has been called “the great university scramble” for clearing. More...

6 septembre 2015

Government orders inquiry over violence against women at universities ordered to draw up code of practice over concerns male undergraduates are subjecting women to unwanted sexual advances. More...

6 septembre 2015

Can we at least try talking to young people about sex? Sajid Javid wants legislation to tackle sex offences in universities. But the real problem lies deeper. More...

6 septembre 2015

Students cut out the boozy nights as freshers’ week sobers up Forget heavy drinking and stolen traffic cones: students starting university this month will be spending their first week away from home enjoying night bus tours, theatre trips and salsa classes. More...

6 septembre 2015

Go Dutch and save yourself £50,000 Growing numbers of British school leavers are shunning higher education at home in favour of universities in the EU, forced out by sky-high tuition fees and attracted by degree courses taught entirely in English. More...

6 septembre 2015

Academics are being hoodwinked into writing books nobody can buy academic. An editor called me up to ask me if I’d like to write a book. I smelled a rat, but I played along. More...

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