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30 septembre 2015

Droit au retour en formation : premier bilan

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Le droit au retour en formation initiale est généralisé depuis la rentrée 2015. Il permet aux jeunes de 16 à 25 ans qui ne possèdent aucun diplôme ou aucune qualification professionnelle de revenir se former pour préparer un diplôme et faciliter ainsi leur insertion.
Le site propose un service de rappel gratuit avec une prise en charge rapide et un suivi personnalisé pour tout jeune qui en fait la demande. Cette prise de contact peut aussi s'effectuer par le biais d'un numéro gratuit : 0 800 12 25 00. Voir l'article...

30 septembre 2015

Campus Management's results of traditional sector expansion program

University Business Magazine logoBy Stefanie Botelho. Campus Management Corp., a leader in technology and services for higher education, announced today favorable industry penetration indicators from its traditional sector expansion program. More...

30 septembre 2015

UE Guarantee for fall 2016 class includes graduating in 4 years

University Business Magazine logoBy Stefanie Botelho. Students in the University of Evansville’s fall 2016 class will be guaranteed to graduate in four years, or the fifth year is on the university. More...

30 septembre 2015

Liaison processes five million graduate applications

University Business Magazine logoBy Stefanie Botelho. Liaison, the leader in admissions management and enrollment marketing solutions for higher education, reached a major milestone, with more than five million applications processed for many of the leading institutions across the country. The company continues to see substantial growth, and now powers strategic enrollment and admissions initiatives for over 5,000 schools and programs, with a presence on virtually every campus in the U.S. More...

30 septembre 2015

Data reveals stark gaps in grad rates between poor, wealthy students

University Business Magazine logoBy Stefanie Botelho. A new report released Thursday provides a detailed look at the graduation rates of low-income college students. At many colleges, low-income students graduate at much lower rates than their high-income peers. More...

30 septembre 2015

Midwest college deploys low-cost RTLS for emergencies

University Business Magazine logoBy Stefanie Botelho. A Midwestern community college has selected a solution to bring wireless alert-sending technology to its hundreds of faculty members as school starts this fall. The solution, a version of the HelpAlert real-time location system (RTLS) from RF Technologies (RFT), consists of Wi-Fi-based RFID tags strategically mounted under tables and podiums so that instructors can summon help in the event of an emergency. More...

30 septembre 2015

Obama's investing in a community college idea that's already working

University Business Magazine logoBy Tim Goral. Earlier this year, when President Barack Obama unveiled his plan to make community college free for more students, he also proposed increased funding for career-based education and job training programs. More...

30 septembre 2015

Student debt is all our business

University Business Magazine logoBy Tim Goral. “If there was a nuclear war, the only thing that would be left would be cockroaches and student debt.” More...

30 septembre 2015

College rankings miss the mark

University Business Magazine logoBy Tim Goral. After heavy lobbying from some of the nation's most elite institutions of higher education, the president has just abandoned his effort to rank the nation's 7,000 colleges and universities. More...

30 septembre 2015

Making college more affordable, one text at a time

University Business Magazine logoBy Stefanie Botelho. What's the tiniest change you can think of to create the biggest improvement in someone's well-being?
That's the question at the heart of the first annual report by the new Social and Behavioral Sciences Team inside the White House. More...

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