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8 mars 2015

Bund gibt Geld für 21 Modellhochschulen

SPIEGEL ONLINEDer Bund will die Ausbildung von Lehrern in Deutschland mit einer halben Milliarde Euro stärken. In einer ersten Förderrunde wurden nun 19 Modellkonzepte für das Lehramtsstudium an insgesamt 21 Hochschulen ausgezeichnet. Damit sind 100 Millionen Euro Fördermittel vergeben. Eine zweite Runde startet mit Bewerbungen weiterer Hochschulen im Juni. Mehr...

8 mars 2015

Quiz zu Promi-Doktorarbeiten: Tach, Herr Dr.

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon . Wladimir Putin? Maria Furtwängler? Waldemar Hartmann? Es gibt mehr promovierte Prominente als gemeinhin bekannt, manche mit sehr sonderbaren Themen. Finden Sie raus, wer was gelernt hat: im Promi-Doktor-Quiz. Mehr...

8 mars 2015

Keine Visa für Studienbewerber: Sie wollen bei uns studieren? Ernsthaft?

SPIEGEL ONLINEVon . Wer nicht aus der EU oder etwa der Schweiz, sondern aus einem sogenannten Drittstaat wie Marokko zum Studieren kommen will, wird doppelt überprüft. Einmal von der Hochschule, einmal von der Botschaft. Das Absurde: Beide schauen mitunter auf dieselben Kriterien - und kommen zu widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen. Mehr...

8 mars 2015

Report analysing PIAAC data reveals that American youth is increasingly better educated but with lower skills

Educational Testing Service (ETS), an US based private non-profit educational testing and assessment organisation has examined PIAAC data for US.
PIAAC is the short version for Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, an OECD led project in 24 countries to examine the skills among adult populations. Here, PIAAC results complement the skills assessment of pupils with PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) and AHELO (Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes). Some of the initial analysis were published in late 2013. More...

8 mars 2015

South African language schools find new solution to visa woes

By Amy Baker. To resolve a current stalemate situation around new immigration rules in South Africa, some English language schools are reporting that they are undergoing a new TVET accreditation process rather than hope that the government will swiftly respond to lobbying action over study visa issuance. More...

8 mars 2015

Prince William honours Chinese UK alumni

By Natalie Marsh. Chinese alumni, who studied their degrees in the UK, were given royal treatment today at the British Council’s first Education UK Alumni Awards in China. More...

8 mars 2015

US, UK top study destinations for China’s super rich

By Beckie Smith. The US is the most popular tertiary level study abroad destination for China’s high net worths, the 11th annual Chinese Luxury Consumer Survey reveals, though the UK remains the favoured choice for high-school aged study. More...

8 mars 2015

How do you measure success in international education?

By Beckie Smith. In discussions about what constitutes success in international education, one common thread is particularly prominent. Described variously as “a well-rounded experience”, “broadening horizons” and “an opportunity to grow”, it is now widely acknowledged that international education is a multifaceted experience whose success hinges not only on academic achievement but on a student’s personal development and enjoyment of the experience. More...

8 mars 2015

Indian government to draft new education policy

By Sara Custer. The director of education at the British Council in India has called the country’s new education policy discussion points “very encouraging” because of the inclusion of internationalisation of HE as a top 20 priority. More...

8 mars 2015

Puerto Rico uses territory status to attract students

By Sara Custer. With two official languages- Spanish and English- and US level accredited degrees, Puerto Rico is looking to leverage its status as a tropical US territory to become an attractive study destination. More...

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