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21 mars 2015

Conseil en évolution professionnelle : le nouveau site de l'Unifaf

Midi-Pyrénées - Formations MétiersL'Unifaf, fonds d'assurance formation de la branche sanitaire, sociale et médico-sociale privé à but non lucratif, vient de lancer un site grand public destiné à informer le public dans le cadre du Conseil en évolution professionnelle. Voir l'article...

21 mars 2015

Pôle emploi propose quatre Moocs pour les demandeurs d'emploi

Midi-Pyrénées - Formations MétiersA partir du mois d'avril, Pôle emploi va lancer quatre Moocs*, formations en ligne, à destination des demandeurs d'emploi pour les aider dans leur recherche d'emploi.
Les quatre Moocs s'intitulent : 
"Construire son projet professionnel" (inscription à partir du 23 mars, début du cours le 13 avril),
"Organiser sa recherche d'emploi, trouver et sélectionner ses offres" (inscription à partir du 23 mars, début du cours le 20 avril),
"Réussir son CV et sa lettre de motivation" (30 m ars, début du cours le 24 avril),
"Réussir l'entretien d'embauche et relancer l'employeur" (6 avril, début du cours le 4 mai). Voir l'article...

21 mars 2015

Transition Q & A: Daveena Tauber

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "universityaffairs"By Jennifer Polk. Jennifer Polk explores how Dr. Tauber went from full-time professor to helping graduate programs increase retention and diversity. More...

21 mars 2015

Engaging Audiences: Episode 3 – Find the narrative

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "universityaffairs"By Shari Graydon. Why you should adopt some basic storytelling principles. In the third episode of Engaging Audiences, Shari Graydon explains that if academics adopt some basic storytelling principles, they may better be able to get people interested in their research topic. More...

21 mars 2015

A classroom called life

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "universityaffairs"By Peter Lui. I was at the bedside of a Nicaraguan newborn. Suddenly, his hand clenched around my finger as he burst into tears. When I saw purple patches of blood engulfing his tiny belly, I began to recognize the true fragility of human life. His desperate cry for help paralyzed my body as it made me understand the excruciating pain of a devastating illness. More...

21 mars 2015

Scientific research needs scientists to undertake research – who knew?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "universityaffairs"By David Kent. The Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars Facebook group pointed me in the direction of a large survey conducted in Germany (PDF) across their research workforce. Around 1,700 researchers were asked their opinions on the state of science employment conditions at German research institutes and universities after a shocking 25,000 strong petition demanding improvements sent shock waves through the community. More...

21 mars 2015

Wanted: faculty columnist

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "universityaffairs"By Léo Charbonneau. Are you a full-time faculty member at a Canadian university who makes endless mental notes about your work and the university environment, and who likes to write for a broad audience? If so, we may have a job for you. More...

21 mars 2015

New federal scholarships will see more Canadians study abroad

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "universityaffairs"By Rosanna Tamburri. Canadian universities are heralding a major new scholarship program that will facilitate study and internship exchanges between university students in this country and their counterparts in the Commonwealth. The Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships will be awarded to some 2,000 students from Canada and other Commonwealth countries to fund academic study and internship programs at home and abroad. More...

21 mars 2015

Student conduct policies ‘increasingly complex and legalistic’

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "universityaffairs"By Natalie Samson. Robyn Jacobson is a Toronto-based consultant and trainer on conflict management in educational settings. In 2012, she earned her PhD from York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School, where she researched the conflict-management processes and documents from 20 Ontario universities. More...

21 mars 2015

Les entreprises franciliennes se disent mal informées sur l'apprentissage

Par Wally Bordas. Un sondage ViaVoice présenté par le Conseil régional d'Île-de-France révèle que 44 % des entreprises franciliennes jugent l'information sur le contrat d'apprentissage insuffisante. Suite...

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