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12 mai 2015

L’enquête BMO 2015 : les intentions d’embauche et les métiers recherchés

Orientation Pays de la LoireAvec leur tissu économique diversifié, les Pays de la Loire résistent mieux à la situation économique actuelle sur le volet de l’emploi. L’enquête BMO 2015 de Pôle emploi montre que la région se positionne parmi celles qui affichent les taux de chômage les plus faibles.
Lire l’étude
Les besoins en main-d'œuvre 2015 en Pays de la Loire, Pôle emploi Pays de la Loire, Pôle repères Pays de la Loire, 15, avril 2015, 52 p. Voir l'article...

12 mai 2015

Can college rankings come from social media data?

eCampus NewsBy Reed Fujii. Brookings Institution researchers, who on April 29 released a new analysis of U.S. colleges and universities, defended their use of data from social media platforms and the contribution of geographic location to school performance. More...

12 mai 2015

Corinthian Colleges: The high cost of regulatory neglect

eCampus NewsBy Ben Miller. For years, private for-profit colleges were Wall Street darlings. Robust margins and a business model that does best when the economy does worst enabled these companies to add hundreds of thousands of students, all funded by billions of dollars in federal subsidies. More...

12 mai 2015

Could this be a new direction for assessment?

eCampus NewsBy Geoff Irvine. The leading reason cited by reviewing agencies for not handing out the revered 10-Year Reaffirmation accreditation is that the assessment of outcomes and learning is not adequately addressed across an institution. As a result, five years has become the norm. For some institutions, reports are even required annually to show progress in data-driven improvement efforts. More...

12 mai 2015

Google embeds engineers as professors

eCampus NewsBy Martha Mendoza. Howard University freshman Alanna Walton knew something was different about the professor teaching her introduction to computer science course. More...

12 mai 2015

Technology edging out humanities

eCampus NewsBy . Fewer students are enrolling in humanities majors at Ohio colleges amid an upswing in the popularity of science and business programs, according to federal data. More...

12 mai 2015

3 ways tech can support future digital learning

eCampus NewsBy . Institutions of higher education should identify and implement technologies that support student learning, should welcome blended learning environments, and should ensure degree programs adapt to students’ digital needs, according to a new metastudy of technology’s role in higher education. More...

12 mai 2015

Why students are saying community colleges are the future of learning

eCampus NewsBy . This finding, which highlights the recent rise in community college popularity among U.S. student, is one of many within a new survey conducted by education company Cengage Learning. More...

12 mai 2015

Researchers say human element critical for tomorrow’s digital university

eCampus NewsBy . The massive report, “Preparing for the Digital University: a review of the history and current state of distance, blended and online learning,” has laid out a comprehensive view of online learning along with key insights into where technology-enhanced education might be headed. More...

12 mai 2015

5 core functions of the post-LMS era

eCampus NewsBy Meris Stansbury - . According to over 70 higher-ed IT specialists, current LMS functionality is great for administrative tasks, but doesn’t provide support for the new learning approaches on today’s campuses. More...

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