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16 mai 2015

L’insertion professionnelle des « sortants » de formations environnementales

Aquitaine Cap MétiersSur l’ensemble des sortants du système éducatif, les jeunes formés en environnement semblent résister un peu mieux à la dégradation du marché du travail. L’insertion professionnelle est de plus globalement facilitée pour ceux qui ont suivi des formations dans les domaines de la prévention des pollutions et de l’énergie et pour ceux arrivés sur le marché du travail avec un niveau bac + 2. Voir l'article...

16 mai 2015

Quels métiers porteurs d’ici 2022 ?

Aquitaine Cap MétiersFrance stratégie (Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective) et la Dares (Direction de l’animation de la recherche, des études et des statistiques) ont remis ce 28 avril 2015 une version actualisée du rapport « Les métiers en 2022 » au ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi, de la Formation professionnelle et du Dialogue social. Voir l'article...

16 mai 2015

Campus France - Logement étudiant

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, ministre de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, et Sylvia Pinel, ministre du Logement, de l’Égalité des territoires et de la Ruralité, se félicitent de l'avancée très positive du "Plan 40 000" lancé en mai 2013, conformément à l'engagement du Président de la République visant à créer 40 000 logements sociaux étudiants d’ici fin 2017.
L’accès à un logement à bas coût et de qualité est une condition essentielle pour démocratiser l’accès à l’enseignement supérieur et favoriser la réussite des étudiants. Télécharger le communiqué de presse. Voir l'article...

16 mai 2015

Le Premier ministre m'a demandé de piloter 3 grands projets européens sur la jeunesse

Logo  Agence Erasmus+ France Education FormationLe Premier ministre m'a demandé de piloter 3 grands projets européens sur la jeunesse.
Parmi les trois projets confiés au ministre Harlem Désir par le 1er ministre : un Erasmus professionnel.
Retrouvez l'interview de Harlem Désir sur TV5 Monde. Voir l'article...

16 mai 2015

Support #GarissaAttack Response

ESU - European Students' UnionOn April 2nd gunmen stormed Garissa University College killing at least 147 people and injuring 79. The European Students’ Union condemns these heinous crimes against students and academics. We urge the international community to support the Kenyan government in finding and bringing those responsible to justice. 
Students, teachers and academics have become the targets of violence all across the globe in recent years. They have both become targets when speaking out for democracy and when they have simply gone to class as in the case of the attack on Garissa University College. This is an unacceptable trend that hurt not only students but also the future of our societies at large. More...

16 mai 2015

Internationalization ambition of Poland's universities 240 rectors, vice rectors and international officers representing 80 universities and 25 organizations supporting higher education came to the annual conference Foreign Students in Poland 2015 organized by Perspektywy Education Foundation and Rectors’ Conference (CRASP) and hosted by the Marie Curie-Sklodowski University in Lublin 22-23 January 2015. More...

16 mai 2015

New Zealand Concerned About Ranking Performance Zealand universities and higher education administrators have become increasing concerned about the country’s poor showing in the global rankings. The best performer is the University of Auckland which last year was in the top 100 in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) rankings, the top 200 in both the Times Higher Education (THE) and the US News (USN) international rankings and the top 300 in the Academic Ranking of World Universities published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. More...

16 mai 2015

Will “Linkedin” set direction for future of rankings? social media site LinkedIn has already produced rankings of universities according to the career outcomes of its members. In October of last year it published tables that showed student success in selected fields such as accounting, marketing and software development. Only three countries were covered, Canada, the US and the UK, but there was evidently potential for further development. More...

16 mai 2015

New Rankings from the Brookings Institute Brookings Institute, the Washington based social science think tank, has produced new rankings of US colleges and universities. These are rather different from conventional rankings such as America’s Best Colleges published by the US News. The basic principle is to compare the career outcomes of graduates with those predicted by student characteristics and the type of institution. Data is derived from a variety of sources including LinkedIn, the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and the labour market intelligence group, Burning Glass. More...

16 mai 2015

THE “under 50” University Rankings Higher Education (THE) has published its rankings of universities less than fifty years old. The rationale for these rankings is that the THE World University Rankings and other global league tables are necessarily biased to older universities that have had decades or even centuries to establish global reputations, accumulate endowments and establish research networks. More...

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