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25 mai 2015

Massive cuts to higher education a loser for Illinois

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "chicago.suntimes logo"By Sun-Times Editorial Board. Back in 2009, the president of Southern Illinois University told us: “All of the state’s universities are in crisis mode right now.”
That was before statewide higher education budget cuts totaling $500 million in the last five years. And before Gov. Bruce Rauner said he wants to chop another $387 million, or 31.5 percent, from next year’s budget. For the University of Illinois’ three campuses, that would come to a $209 million cut. More...

Sun-Times Editorial Board

25 mai 2015

Senate, House OK Education Bills For Undocumented Students

Résultat de recherche d'images pour " logo"By . The Senate on Tuesday approved a bill that would allow the children of undocumented immigrants to apply for college tuition assistance, even though they lack a Social Security card and other documents required to fill out financial aid forms.
"I'm ecstatic,'' said Alison Martinez-Carrasco, a 21-year-old junior at UConn who came to Hartford from Ecuador with her parents at age 4. More...

25 mai 2015

Bernie Sanders issues bill to make 4-year colleges tuition-free

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By and . Senator Bernie Sanders has officially introduced a bill that would eliminate undergraduate tuition. Titled the “College for All Act,” the bill would eliminate the $70 billion dollar tuition costs at all 4-year public colleges and universities.
Under the plan, the Federal Government would cover 67% — $47 billion dollars each year — of the costs.
States would be required to produce the remaining 33% of the costs, or 23 billion dollars. More...

25 mai 2015

Among state universities, a fight for rich students

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "cbsnews logo"By Lynn O'Shaughnessy. In order to boost their revenue by moving up in popular college rankings, public universities are increasingly awarding merit scholarships to affluent students who live within their borders -- and beyond. This often comes at the expense of the institutions' own state residents, according to a new study by the New American Foundation, a centrist think tank that explored the merit aid practices at 424 public colleges and universities. Read more...
25 mai 2015

The bias inside the college debt system

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Aimee Picchi. In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson vowed that no student wishing to attend college would "be turned away because his family is poor."
Half a century later, a shift in the way college is funded and the declining fortunes of minorities and poor families since the recession have created a college-debt system that the left-leaning think tank Demos calls "deeply biased along class and racial lines." Read more...
25 mai 2015

Platinum Pay in Ivory Towers

New York TimesBy . Gregory Fenves recently got a big promotion, from provost to president of the University of Texas at Austin. A raise came with it. Instead of his current base of about $425,000, he was offered $1 million. 
And he rejected it — as too much.
25 mai 2015

The In-State Tuition Break, Slowly Disappearing

New York TimesBy Kevin Carey. A few weeks ago, I took my daughter to see the latest Disney movie. Because it was early in the afternoon, and my daughter is 5, I expected to get a significant discount on the price of our tickets. The electronic ticket kiosk had other intentions. “1 Adult: $11.00” and “1 Child: $10.00.” Read more...
25 mai 2015

Making Computer Science More Inviting: A Look at What Works

New York TimesBy Claire Cain Miller. When Sonja Khan started college, she’d never thought of studying computer science. But when she heard from friends that the intro class was good, she decided to give it a try — and then ended up majoring in it.
Four years later, she has just graduated with a computer science degree, is pursuing a master’s degree and is headed to a summer internship at Facebook. Read more...
25 mai 2015

College Campuses Are More Trans-Inclusive Than Ever, But Still Have A Long Way To Go

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "huffingtonpost"By . A unique, very small group of students who shared a particular struggle in their path to a diploma was among the millions of the nation’s college graduates who tossed their caps into the air this past weekend.
That group is those students who identify as transgender, or gender non-conforming, gender-fluid or any other number of terms that continue to crop up describing those who do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth. More...

25 mai 2015

Identity management moves forward

University Business LogoBy Pamela Mills-Senn. The Switzerland-based company creates biometric authentication solutions based on facial and speech recognition. Recently KeyLemon announced a partnership that allows users of Blackboard Learn a rapid method of identity verification for online test takers. Future iterations of KeyLemon’s solutions will be able to assess head and eye position and monitor emotional responses, the announcement said. More...

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