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25 mai 2015

Social learning expert panel #emoocs2015 #social

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. The eMOOCs2015 expert panel (Whitney Kilgore, Sian Bayne, Mike Sharples, Pierre Dubuc) sharing knowledge with all of us on the subject of social learning.
What do you feel is social learning?
Some pedagogies do not scale, eg sport teaching.
25 mai 2015

Sian Bayne keynote on teacherbot #emoocs2015 @sbayne

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Great keynote by Siän Bayne who is professor of digital education at the University of Edinburgh, UK, on teacherbot, a twitterbot used within an educational mooc. Really interesting from the automation point and social effect on the debate.Sian provides multiple references, so where possible I mention the author and year of the reference in this liveblog. Hot from the press Times Higher Ed article on Teacherbot here. Read more...
25 mai 2015

Liveblog #emoocs2015 Amdocs a corporate training MOOC

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. This session is presented by Nomi Malca, and it provides a good idea of the international impact and challenges of MOOCs for employees in a worldwide company.
These moocs are seen as personal development, not mandatory training. Employees need to work in their own time (or at least that is normally the only option considering the workload), and they get a certificate of accomplishment. Read more...
25 mai 2015

liveblog #eMOOCs2015 collaborative MOOCs a challenging experience

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. This session is given by Sandra Soarez-Frazao and Yves Zech from RESCIF.
Very interesting as I can see parallels between other North-South course challenges.
The MOOC they talk about is about ‘Rivers and Men’, in the international (French speaking countries) RESCIF, a North South cooperation. Read more...
25 mai 2015

keynote #emoocs2015 @davecormier on rhizomatic learning

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. Great keynote by Dave Cormier, here are the live blog words:
Live blogpost
Potentially Massive, radically open, conceptually onlne, still a course
Dave narrates his local space, Prins Edward Island, enabling people to connect with the world thourhg online learning
Trying to figure out what exactly you can do with it, with internet. He is a teacher by nature. He recounts the moment where he thought (as a teacher): what am I doing, what am I missing, what is out there and what is not. Read more...
25 mai 2015

Eine Uni wird geräumt

Von Caspar Shaller. Mitten in Amsterdams mittelalterlichem Stadtzentrum steht ein Verwaltungsgebäude der Universiteit van Amsterdam, das Maagdenhuis. Es ist seit sechs Wochen besetzt – doch das fällt zwischen den im Sonnenschein gefüllten Straßencafés kaum auf. Es wirkt, als hätten sich ein paar Jugendliche versammelt, die den ersten schönen Frühlingstag nutzen, um sich auf die braunen Pflastersteine zu setzen. Nur farbige Girlanden kennzeichnen die Besetzung. Mehr...

25 mai 2015

Institutions Go Beyond Recruitment to Support and Retain International Students

INSIGHT Into DiversityBy . International students are streaming onto American college campuses in unprecedented numbers. However, many of them face significant financial and academic hurdles as they advance in their studies, placing greater demands on schools to better serve these students’ needs and expectations.
Compared to a decade ago, 40 percent more foreign-born students now attend American colleges, according to the Institute of International Education (IIE). And each year, nearly 900,000 international college students matriculate into the United States, with the majority of them coming from China. More...

25 mai 2015

4 major issues of the Higher Education Act reauthorization

eCampus NewsSenate education committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-Wash.) today announced several bipartisan, full committee staff working groups to address four major issues related to the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. More...

25 mai 2015

What new research says about unique teacher credentialing programs

eCampus NewsIn a new study on teacher education, the Clayton Christensen Institute profiles credentialing programs and graduate schools of education that have emerged from the charter school landscape. More...

25 mai 2015

Higher-ed execs prioritize career outcomes

eCampus NewsImproving how institutions track career outcomes has emerged as the highest priority for senior executives of online and professional higher education programs, according to the annual Future of Online and Professional Education Survey from EAB. More...

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