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3 août 2015

Another Way Employers Can Reduce Debt Loads

HomeBy Karen Gross. Much has been written lately about the growing partnerships between private and public employers and institutions of higher education. This can be seen as a strategy for closing the achievement gap. Read more...

3 août 2015

The Best Pricing Model: Transparency

HomeBy W. Kent Barnds. For today’s enrollment manager, it’s nearly impossible to go a week without someone forwarding an article about another college trying a new way to describe the difference between its listed sticker price, the actual cost of attendance and the institution’s discount rate. Read more...

3 août 2015

The Wrong Solution for STEM Education

HomeBy Amy E. Slaton and Donna M. Riley. If the United States is facing a STEM workforce crisis, as so many economic and industry analysts argue, the worst thing we could possibly do is abandon the very thing that sets U.S.-educated STEM workers apart: the broad education that endows our workers with professional competencies, the perspective to lead organizations in private and public sectors, and the flexibility to adapt to the changing and complex technologies that pervade our culture. Read more...

3 août 2015

On Teaching the Confederacy

HomeBy David C. Williard. The South is home for me, but to my students in Minnesota, it’s an exotic place from which I am an ambassador. So when Dylann Roof massacred congregants at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., last month and students began asking me about the killings and the debate they reignited over the Confederate flag, I did not know whether they sought my analysis as a scholar of the Confederacy and its legacies or my feelings as a transplanted Southerner. Read more...

3 août 2015

College Students and the Confederate Flag

HomeBy Gail DiSabatino. The calls for removing the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina and my experiences as vice president for student affairs at Clemson University might not seem to have much in common. But in the world of real-life leadership and teachable moments, the two are curiously intertwined. Read more...

3 août 2015

La formation reste le maillon faible de la stratégie d’entreprise

Par Valérie Grasset-Morel. Le dernier baromètre européen de la formation continue du groupe Cegos pointe l’absence de positionnement stratégique de cette fonction dans les entreprises. Et le décalage qui existe entre l’ambition des RH et l’appréciation des salariés. Sauf en Grande Bretagne qui fait figure de bon élève. Voir l'article...

2 août 2015

Agefos PME publie ses premières certifications éligibles au CPF

Par Philippe Lefebvre. L’OPCA interprofessionnel a établi une première liste de 120 certifications interprofessionnelles éligibles au CPF émanant d’entreprises non couvertes par un accord de branche. Les branches professionnelles adhérentes à l’Opca devraient publier leurs propres listes cet été. Voir l'article...

1 août 2015

Humanities for All

HomeBy Jacqueline Thomsen. For academics, the information in books designed for general consumption can be too basic. On the other hand, academic books aren't exactly appealing to the general public.
A new grant program at the National Endowment for the Humanities hopes to bridge that gap. The first recipients of the Public Scholars program are being announced today, in an attempt to present more research in the humanities to the general public. Professors who do serious scholarship are receiving grants to help them on book projects intended for more than just academics.
The Public Scholars are part of an initiative launched by the NEH earlier this year, called “The Common Good: The Humanities in the Public Square,” that hopes to bring more of its funded research to nonacademics and relate it more closely to everyday life. Read more...

1 août 2015

Russian Crackdown?

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. Does a continuing crackdown on foreign influences in Russia threaten to interrupt the internationalization agendas of the country’s top universities. Read more...

1 août 2015

In China, No Choice But to Cheat?

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. Variations of that question came up again and again during sessions on Wednesday at the Overseas Association for College Admission Counseling [OACAC] conference. Persistent concerns about standardized test fraud, doctored transcripts and fake admission letters -- and the role of agents in helping to "pollute" the application process (as one session description put it) -- are causing some to worry that Chinese students might think cheating is their only choice. Read more...

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