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5 août 2014

Qu’est-ce qui coûte cher dans un MOOC ? Educpros de Matthieu Cisel. Comment avons-nous dépensé notre temps au cours de la première édition du MOOC « Monter un MOOC de A à Z » ? Tel est l’objet de ce billet, qui s’inscrit dans la suite de l’article, « Monter un MOOC, ça peut coûter cher« . La dernière fois, nous en sommes restés à la répartition de la charge de travail entre les différents acteurs. Je vous propose maintenant d’aborder la question de l’important relative des différents lots de travail, avec comme leitmotiv la question des axes d’amélioration possibles. Suite de l'article...
5 août 2014

« USA : un regard sur le numérique par un prof de Stanford » Educpros de Gilbert Azoulay. Voici un regard sur le numérique dans les facs américaines avec Yossi Feinberg, professeur d’économie à la Stanford Graduate School of Business. Une occasion de disposer d’une vision… pas si différente de la nôtre, même si bien entendu le contexte est très différente.
Les Etats-Unis sont-ils à maturité en termes d’équipement digital ou des questions demeurent toujours ?
L’évolution technologique des cours à distance a tellement progressé, notamment au travers de la vidéo haute définition que l’on ne fait plus la différence aujourd’hui entre un cours en présentiel et un cours à distance. Suite...

5 août 2014

Un nouveau statut pour les écoles consulaires

Blog Educpros de Jacques Igalens. Un projet de loi récemment déposé par Thierry Mandon, depuis juin 2014 secrétaire d’Etat à la réforme administrative, concerne la simplification de la vie des entreprises. A l’heure où j’écris cet article, il est passé en première lecture à l’Assemblée Nationale. Il contient un article (art. 28) habilitant le Gouvernement à prendre par ordonnance les mesures relevant du domaine de la loi nécessaires à la création d’un nouveau régime juridique applicable aux établissements d’enseignement supérieur relevant des chambres de commerce et d’industrie (CCI). Suite de l'article...
5 août 2014

Dialogue and discussion: critical for 21st century skills development Tony Bates. First of all, thanks to the numerous people who commented on  my earlier posts on Why Lectures are Dead, and on Learning Theories and Online Learning. These were previews of chapters for my open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age.
This feedback was particularly helpful, because several people commented that there are lots of different kinds of lectures. Read more...
5 août 2014

Learning theories and online learning Tony Bates. In the end, I can’t see how a discussion of learning theories can be avoided. Unless readers of the book have this basic understanding of the different views of learning, they will not be in a good position to make choices, especially regarding the use of technology for teaching and learning. In particular, I see a danger of becoming dogmatic and blinkered by unchallenged assumptions about the nature of learning that results from not exploring alternative theories. But lastly, as Kurt Lewin said, there is nothing more practical than a good theory. Read more...
5 août 2014

Why lectures are dead (or soon will be) Tony Bates. Lectures go back as far as ancient Greece and Roman times, and certainly from at least the start of the European university, in the 13th century. The term ‘lecture’ comes from the Latin to read. This was because in the 13th century, most books were extremely rare. They were painstakingly handcrafted and illustrated by monks, often from fragments or collections of earlier and exceedingly rare and valuable scrolls remaining from more than 1,000 years earlier from ancient Greek or Roman times, or were translated from Arabic sources, as much documentation was destroyed in Europe during the Dark Ages following the fall of the Roman empire. As a result, a university would often have only one copy of a book, and it may have been the only copy available in the world. The library and its collection therefore became critical to the reputation of a university, and professors had to borrow the only text from the library and literally read from it to the students, who dutifully wrote down their own version of the lecture. Read more...
5 août 2014

Guest blog: MOOCs: Disruptor or Indicator of Something Deeper? Tony Bates. However, I was a participant in a study on MOOCs by Nicole Christen for a paper as part of her Master in Educational Technology program at the University of British Columbia. She kindly sent me a copy of her final paper. I was so struck by the quality of this paper and its significance that I immediately asked her if she would be willing to provide a summary in the form of a blog post. Here is the summary of her paper. I found no need to change it. I strongly recommend though that you read the paper in full, which is available here. Read more...
5 août 2014

Submitting a doctoral thesis on online learning? Some things to keep in mind Tony Bates. Old people often complain that the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, that standards are falling, and it used to be better in our day. Having examined over 40 doctoral students over the last 45 years, often as the external examiner, it would be easy for me to fall into that trap. On the contrary, though, I am impressed with the quality of theses I have been examining recently, partly because of the quality of the students, partly because of the quality of the supervision, and partly because online learning and educational technology in general have matured as a field of study. Read more...
5 août 2014

Conference: 8th EDEN Research Workshop on research in online learning and distance education Tony Bates. What: Challenges for research into Open & Distance Learning: Doing Things Better: Doing Better Things
‘The focus of the event is on quality research discussed in unusual workshop setting with informal and intimate surroundings. The session formats will promote collaboration opportunities, including: parallel ‘research-speed-dating’ papers, team symposia sessions, workshops and demonstrations.‘ Read more...
5 août 2014

WCET’s analysis of U.S. statistics on distance education Tony Bates. U.S.Department of Education (2014) Web Tables: Enrollment in Distance Education Courses, by State: Fall 2012 Washington DC: U.S.Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics
Hill, P. and Poulin, R. (2014) A response to new NCES report on distance education e-Literate, June 11
The U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences operates a National Center for Education Statistics which in turn runs the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Read more...
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