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8 février 2015

Babson Study of Online Learning Released

By Phil Hill. Babson Survey Research Group (BSRG) just released its annual survey of online learning in US higher education (press release here). This year they have moved from use of survey methodology for the online enrollment section to use of IPEDS distance education data. Russ Poulin from WCET and I provided commentary on the two data sources as an appendix to the study. More...

8 février 2015

Instructure Releases 4th Security Audit, With a Crowd-sourcing Twist

By Phil Hill. Inspired by fall events and this call for transparency, Instructure (maker of the Canvas LMS) decided to hold an public security audit using a white hat testing company, where A) the results of the testing would be shared publicly, and B) I would act as an independent observer to document the process. The results of this testing are described in two posts at e-Literate and by a post at Instructure. More...

8 février 2015

Blogphilosophy: Microsoft's #Hololens, the #augmented journey

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. The concept of augmented reality has been around for quite some time. More then hundred years ago (1901) Frank Baum - author most famous for the Wizard of Oz - came up with the idea of an electronic display that put a layer over the real life world. As graphics and computational power increased, Steve Mann (who came up with the wonderful concept of Sousveillance, appreciated by activists everywhere) came up with a system that put text and graphics over a photographic image, creating an augmented reality, the eye-tap.
This is where it becomes of interest for education, as simulations become a possibility. By 2008 augmented reality is being rolled out for the masses: wikitude, Layar, and the inevitable introduction of augmented use in marketing (printing, buying via qr-codes...e.g. metaio) becomes possible through the use of mobile phones with apps. Read more...
8 février 2015

Free booklet on #Teaching with #Technology

Inge Ignatia de WaardBy Inge Ignatia de Waard. The 35 page report (or booklet) on Teaching with Technology was just released by the Inside Higher Ed magazine and written with support from Blackboard (the LMS). This means that a certain LMS-focus can be felt, nevertheless, the report does highlight some ideas and EdTech initiatives in a transparent way. The report is free, and can be downloaded (after providing name, email, and job title to Inside Higher Ed) at this virtual location. Read more...
8 février 2015

Wir Dozenten sind nicht eure Vorturner!

Gastbeitrag von Danae Ankel und Stephan Liedtke. "Studenten, bleibt zu Hause", fordert eine ZEIT-ONLINE-Redakteurin. Eine Replik: Die Uni ist kein Kindergarten für Faule. Vier Gründe für die Anwesenheitspflicht. Mehr...

8 février 2015

Hochschulen erfinden immer mehr Masterabschlüsse

SPIEGEL ONLINEErstmals bieten Hochschulen mehr Master- als Bachelorstudiengänge an. Der Erfindungsreichtum von Unis und FHs gehe an den Interessen der Studenten vorbei, bemängelt das Studentenwerk. Viele Plätze bleiben daher unbesetzt. Mehr...

8 février 2015

Open economies top Global Talent Competitiveness Index

By Katie Duncan. For the second time in a row high income countries Switzerland and Singapore have claimed the top two places in the annual Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI), compiled by international business school INSEAD. More...

8 février 2015

Forum urges E & C European unis to go global

By Sara Custer. A little more than 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, universities in Eastern and Central Europe are keen to increase their international profiles to compete with their Western counterparts. More...

8 février 2015

CBIE publishes ‘guideposts’ to internationalisation

By Sara Custer. University leaders from across Canada have developed a best practice guide to internationalisation which they urge education providers at all levels to implement. More...

8 février 2015

Scottish uni proposes refunds for not graduating

By  Beckie Smith. The University of the West of Scotland could become the first UK university to offer a fee refund to students – including international students – who fail to graduate, in an effort to boost its global competitiveness. More...

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